
(Jacob Rumans) #1


Creating a range of colour mock-ups
I use adjustments layers and a layer mask to alter my colour palettes. I make three different versions to see what I think looks best and suits
the mood of her expression. I want her to be warm and welcoming, so warm reds and purples are my colours of choice.

You can play with the
sliders here to adjust the colours

Select adjustment
layers here


Experiment with adjustment layers
Another handy Photoshop tool is an adjustment layer. These are your image
adjustment tools, just set to a layer. I use the Color Balance adjustment layer a lot to
play with the colours of my piece: they can help to tie the overall palette of the
portrait together. I use many of these throughout my paintings.


Colour using layer modes
I start to experiment with colour over the top of my
sketch. I make a new layer and set it to Overlay, then take
my soft Round brush and paint in a value of skin tone.
Next, I make a separate layer set to Color Dodge and
brush a warm mid-value orange over her face, which
emphasises the light shining down on to the woman.

In depth Portrait art

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