
(Jacob Rumans) #1


Adjusting the colours
If you click the Channel drop-down, you’ll see a couple
more options. You can use the Red, Green and Blue curves to
tweak and refine the colours in your piece. Make small
adjustments to the curve and you’ll notice how each colour
affects the tones. The bottom left of each curve alters the darks,
while the upper right adjusts the lights.


Using the Levels filter layer
The Levels filter is useful for bringing out true whites and
blacks in a piece. It also gives you more control over the final
contrast and brightness results, compared to using the
individual Brightness and Contrast sliders. The left slider
controls blacks, the right controls the whites, and the middle
slider controls the mid-tones. I use Levels when I’m editing a
scanned piece, or when working on a sticker design and need
the background to be pure white to turn into an alpha channel.


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