
(Jacob Rumans) #1


Don’t abandon ideas entirely
I still like the idea of f loral patterns wrapping around the porcelain figure, and
I want to add that extra element of fantasy. So I decide to keep the idea around the
neck. The simplicity of it results in a more visceral image, rather than having the
effect on show throughout the entire body.


Consider consistency
The f lorals aren’t working for me because they’re
clashing too much with the background, both in shape
and size relation. I’m happy with how the background has
turned out, so I want to design a pattern that fits with it
more appropriately. My revised efforts are more
successful: the pattern ends up feeling more like Japanese
tattoos, which I’m very much inspired by.


Make finishing adjustments
This is always the fun part; the final adjustments on a portrait is like putting
frosting on a cake. This is where I balance colours and add extra f lair. I also place a
50 per cent grey Overlay Noise layer to soften the digital look. I decide to change the
makeup slightly for added colour vibrancy, and to celebrate bisexual colours.


Add final tweaks
Once I’m happy with the overall direction and ideas
in the portrait, I start rendering out the face and body, and
sharpen details such as the f loral patterns. I keep in mind
edge control as I do this – hardening and softening edges
where appropriate to give the portrait an effective finish.

In depth Unique portraits

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