New Scientist - 05.10.2019

(coco) #1

52 | New Scientist | 5 October 2019

The back pages Puzzles

Quick crossword #42 Set by Richard Smyth Quick quiz #23 Puzzle set by David Bodycombe

#24 Three stamps

I’m on holiday in the lovely country of
Philitaly, and planning to send plenty of
postcards because postage is very cheap.
But the country only allows up to three
stamps on any letter.
Can you tell me which three
denominations of stamps would allow me
to cover any cost of postage from 1 cent to
15 cents inclusive?
And which four stamp denominations
would allow all values from 1 to 24 cents?

Answer next week

#23 Circling the squares

We are told that one of 18’s neighbours is

  1. The other neighbour can’t be 7 (because
    18+7=25), so 7 must appear somewhere
    else. The neighbours of 7 can only be 2 and

  2. Working outwards, this forces a chain that
    goes: 11-14-2-7-9-16-20-5-4-12-

11’s other neighbour can only be 5 if it must
make a square, but 5 is already in the chain,
so 11 must be the other neighbour of 18.

15’s other neighbour could be 1 or 10.
If 1, then the chain would be 15-1-8-
17-19-6-10-X. But if 10, then it would
be 15-10-6-19-17-8-1-3, which
completes the loop, like this:

1 The EPR thought
experiment, proposed
by Albert Einstein, Boris
Podolsky and Nathan
Rosen in 1935,
introduced the world to
which phenomenon?
2 The 10,000-year-old
archaeological site Göbekli
Tepe lies in the south-east
of which country?
3 What name is given to
solids whose underlying
atomic structure is ordered,
but doesn’t repeat regularly?
4 Scientists studying which
bird in 2016 found they
spent up to 10 months in
the air without ever landing?

5 Dialogue Concerning the
Two Chief World Systems –
which systems, and
written by whom?

Answers below

Crossword #41

ACROSS 8 Altitude, 9 Nearer,
10 Centrifuge, 11 Acid,
12 Dorset, 14 Earlobes,
15 Ostrich, 17 Agnosia,
20 Rubidium, 22 Decode,
24 Skua, 25 Deoxidised,
27 Spring, 28 Uploaded

DOWN 1 Albedo, 2 Pint,
3 Autistic, 4 Cerumen, 5 In gear,
6 Palaeozoic, 7 Beriberi,
13 Sorbic acid, 16 Skunk Ape,
18 Godzilla, 19 Embolus,
21 Indigo, 23 Diesel, 26 Imax

Quick quiz #23

Quantum entanglement – or 1

“spooky action at a distance”, in

Einstein’s disparaging phrase

Turkey. Its monumental 2

structures raise the question

of which came first, civilisation

or religion

Quasicrystals. Long considered 3

impossible, the first natural

example was identified in 2009

The common swift 4

Galileo, heretically, of Wrote 5

the Ptolemaic and Copernican

cosmological systems






1 1980 sci-fi film starring
William Hurt (7,6)
8 Himalayan cryptid (4)
9 Star in Orion (10)
10 Unborn baby (6)
11 Laptop “Hackintosh” (8)
12 1973 Michael
Crichton film (9)
14 Trigonometric function (4)
15 Armoured combat
vehicle (4)

16 Arthur ___, English
astrophysicist (9)
20 Squash cultivars (8)
21 Offshore drilling
platform (3,3)
23 Professor ___, inventor
invented by Norman
Hunter (10)
24 Melting (of snow and ice) (4)
25 Acid perfusion
procedure (9,4)

Answers and a tectonic crossword next week.

1 Plant genus in the family
Ranunculaceae (7)
2 Rate of rotation of a
smooth ribbon (5)
3 Ribulose bisphosphate
carboxylase/oxygenase (7)
4 Arboreal fungal
infection (5,3,7)
5 Nicaragua volcano (6)
6 ___ poplar, name for
the tree Populus
tremuloides (9)

7 Contraction of the heart (7)
13 Kitchen tool patented by
Ezra Warner in 1858 (3,6)
15 Bone joined to the
sternum (4,3)
17 In comics, the alter ego of
engineer Tony Stark (4,3)
18 Oxidising agent (7)
19 Constriction of the pupil (6)
22 L (5)

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