Bloomberg Businessweek

(Steven Felgate) #1



Bloomberg Businessweek August 20, 2018




eez, Europe, what more do you need? Great
universities. Fantastic transit systems. More
than twice the population of the U.S. The inest
cars, watches, wine, beer—OK, the Americans
do better beer now, but still. So many glorious
advantages. And yet Europe, as ever, continues
its reign as the globe’s consumer-tech underachiever.
The heyday of Nokia Corp. and Ericsson AB is a dis-
tant memory, and Europe doesn’t have anything remotely
comparable to Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, or
Facebook, or Alibaba or Tencent, companies with market
values ranging from $400 billion to $1 trillion and counting.
With apologies to Stefon, Europe’s hottest tech business is
Spotify ($34 billion); the only one into nine igures is SAP
($140 billion), the German maker of the world’s most bor-
ing business software.
The good news for Eurostartups is that they’ve got their
best chance in a good, long while to make something of them-
selves. China’s national champions are struggling to expand in
markets for which they haven’t adequately tailored their ser-
vices. And Silicon Valley is two years into a string of unforced
errors: Fake news. Cambridge Analytica. The new MacBook
Pro keyboard. On Aug. 13 the Associated Press reported the
latest outrage—Google has been tracking app users’ loca-
tions and storing that data even if users change their pri-
vacy settings to forbid it from tracking their location activity.
Facebook Inc. and Google are persuasively if unintentionally
making the case that the world needs alternative visions of
the future—all Europe needs to do is ind some.
Over the past few years, Europe has brought in the kind of
money it used to lack, worn down some barriers to regional
expansion, and built a handful of startup hubs in its national
capitals. “Europe’s tech ecosystem has the talent, ambition,
and velocity to produce companies of comparable scale to the
Facebooks and Ubers of the world,” says Manish Madhvani,
managing partner of GP Bullhound LLP, a tech-focused invest-
ment adviser. And still, many of the continent’s best eforts
keep laming out or selling out too early. It’s worth taking a
tour through this lovely land of walkable cities and missed
business opportunities to igure out what’s gone wrong, and
what may inally be going right.

Private companies with valuations
of more than $1b
 Valuations greater than $100b






Q1 2010 Q4 2017

European VC deal values







2013 2017

Share of global VC funding

of deals
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