Entrepreneur ME 08.2019

(ff) #1
August 2019 / ENTREPRENEUR.COM / 29


Left to right:
Mona, Huda, and Alya Kattan

brands. “In the Middle
East, for the longest time,
women were expected to be
completely reliant on their
husbands, but there is a shift
happening, and I do want
Middle Eastern women, Arab
women, Muslim women, to
feel empowered to do things,
to support their families, but

also to understand that their
success does not change things
in the house, which is the
scary part,” Huda says. “My
husband is still the king of
my castle, and at home, I am
a very different person than I
am in the office. When needed,
I was the king of the castle,
because protecting the home

is important, but it took me a
long time to realize that being
an alpha female was not what
I needed to be. Actually, I lead
with my feminine energy, but,
at the same time, I can be very
firm and very tough. So, I feel
that we are kind of re-learning
what it means to be a woman
right now, and I think that the

Middle East will benefit from
that.” Having spent a morning
with these three women who
have built a brand valued at
over $1 billion, one thing is
clear to me: the Kattan sisters
do not waste their gifts, even if
they come in the form of their
deepest wounds- and neither
should you.
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