Entrepreneur ME 08.2019

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64 / ENTREPRENEUR.COM / August 2019

The Eventtus guide to (successfully) executing a rebranding effort

More than just a new look



ulling off a
rebranding is
always a tire-
some task, and
lots of compa-
nies can't get
it right. Our
last rebranding project at my
company, Eventtus, taught
us a lot, and we would like to
share with you the most criti-
cal points to keep in mind to
execute a successful rebrand-
ing effort.

1 / Answer the why question
Why do you want to rebrand?
Do you just need a refreshed
look after a long time? Are you
facing specific challenges, and

identified rebranding as part
of the solution? Did you enter
a new market, or have discov-
ered a particular opportunity,
which requires an inevitable
change in looks, and is worth a
full rebrand?
These are some of the
questions you need to ask.
Rebranding is not a simple
decision, you are risking your
brand assets, the backlash of
your current customers, and
making a substantial invest-
ment, so you need to under-
stand, why are you doing this,
and be sure that it is worth the
At Eventtus, the case for
rebranding was clear. The
company has evolved greatly
over the last couple of years,
expanding its portfolio, and

scaling its business with major
key events, venues, corpo-
rates, and exhibitions all over
the world. We were focusing
so much on the product that
the brand was kind of left
behind. So, it was time for
the brand to evolve to reflect
these changes, and hence,
rebranding and formulating
our current motto: Think Big,
Think Easy.

2 / Have a clear scope, and
write a rebrand manifesto
Defining a clear scope (and
sticking to it) is an essential
aspect of a successful rebrand-
ing. Knowing precisely what
you want to change, what you
want to keep, the communica-
tion message that you wish
your brand identity to reflect

are major flags whether you
will have a successful rebrand-
ing project or not.
Lots of brands dive headfirst
into rebranding, and get
lost and consumed in the
aesthetics, then end up
with something that might
look visually appealing, but
the message that needs to
be delivered gets lost in
Create a well-written, clear
manifesto to be your North
Star, and use it to get buy-in
from all stakeholders. Re-
branding is one of the toughest
projects to discuss and get a
clear go-ahead on, as brand-
ing involves colors, fonts, and
designs, which has a subjective
element, so agreeing on what
to do isn't an easy task.
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