Sight&Sound - 11.2019

(John Hannent) #1
10 | Sight&Sound | November 2019


  1. Moss Mabry’s costume designs for Tate’s character Freya in the film 3. Bruce Lee with Tate

    1. Sharon Tate on the set of The Wrecking Crew

By Isabel Stevens
Images discovered in the BFI’s archive offer a
glimpse behind the scenes of The Wrecking Crew
(1968) – the Dean Martin spy caper that was one
of Sharon Tate’s last films and which features in
Tarantino’s Once upon a Time... in Hollywood. In
one of the most charming scenes in Tarantino’s
ode to the dream factory, Margot Robbie’s Tate
watches herself in The Wrecking Crew on the
big screen, delighted as her accident-prone spy
Freya makes the audience around her laugh. Like
that scene, these archive images show Tate as a
versatile actor rather than just a victim of tragedy.

  1. Throughout The Wrecking Crew, Tate exhibits
    a never-ending wardrobe, from baby-doll
    negligées to glamorous, fully accessorised
    stripy trouser suits worthy of any spy posing
    as a bumbling Danish tourist guide. The film
    clearly trades on Tate’s status as a 1960s style
    icon. It is a silly romp, but Tate brings energy
    and expert comic timing, as well as her beauty.

  2. The costume designer Moss Mabry, responsible
    for the red jacket worn by James Dean in Rebel
    Without a Cause (1955), sketched all the costumes
    for the film. Meanwhile, in Tarantino’s film, Robbie
    wore real pieces of Tate’s jewellery and clothing.

  3. Once upon a Time... in Hollywood imagines a fight
    between martial arts icon Bruce Lee and Brad
    Pitt’s stuntman Cliff. Lee actually worked with
    Tate behind the scenes on The Wrecking Crew as
    a karate adviser. In Mitoshi Uyehara’s biography,
    Lee slams Dean Martin as “lazy and clumsy”, but
    says Tate and co-star Nancy Kwan (who share a
    showdown in the film) were “doing sidekicks
    pretty good with just a minimum of teaching”.
    During an on-set interview, Tate said, “I broke a
    heavy board with my foot. I’m going to put one
    of the pictures of that scene up at home, to show
    Roman [Polanski] so he’ll be afraid of me.”


A selection of unseen archive
photos of Sharon Tate reveal the
star behind the legend seen in
Once upon a Time... in Hollywood









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