(avery) #1

ven though the audio quality of the
Speaker pHat by Pimoroni isn’t up to
snuff with the audiophile community,
the retro-fantastic look is hard to
beat. There are many times, as we say,
when the beep, boop, beep of a piezo
speaker just isn’t good enough. There are also times
when you just don’t need full HD audio either. That’s
when the Speaker pHAT really shines.
Pimoroni was able to cram a I^2 S DAC, mono
amplifier, 8 Ω 2 W speaker, and a 10 LED bar graph
all onto the incredibly small pHAT form factor. It’s
a clever system that makes a beautiful little audio
sandwich and adds a lot of capabilities to your

he Teensy Prop Shield is a perfect
tool for anyone familiar with the
Teensy platform and who wants to
create projects with sound effects
and interactive light displays. The
shield features 10 degrees of freedom
sensing by implementing a FXOS8700CQ 6-axis
linear accelerometer, a magnetometer, a 3-axis
digital angular rate gyroscope, and a precision
pressure/altitude and temperature gauge.
Also included in the shield is a 2 W audio amplifier
capable of driving external speakers, and it’s capable

of controlling Dotstar or APA102 type LEDs. In
addition to all those features, you also get 8MB of
on-board flash memory where you can store sound
clips and log data. That is a lot of power packed into
such a tiny shield!
The Teensy is a great audio platform as it’s got
quite a bit more processing grunt than most hobbyist
microcontrollers, and this is a particular boon when
working with audio signals. If you want to go geeky,
this is a great platform to work with, but if you don’t
then it’s also easy enough to use without worrying
about the low-level details.

Raspberry Pi. And
even though its form
factor works best when
coupled with a Pi Zero or
Zero W, it will also work with a
Raspberry Pi A+, B+, 3, or 3B+.
Pimoroni has made it really easy to use the
Speaker pHAT by developing a simple one-line
installer that takes care of everything you need to get
it up and running. The installer configures ALSA to
output sound through the DAC on the Speaker pHAT,
and it installs a custom plug-in that will display the
sound level on on-board LED bar graph. You can
download all the instructions from the GitHub repo.



Speaker pHAT

Teensy Prop Shield

with motion sensors

PIMORONI £13.50 shop.pimoroni.com

SPARKFUN $19.95 sparkfun.com

A great
way to add
to your
Teensy project


8 / 10

audio for your
Pi Zero


8 / 10

Keeping everything tiny

Combining light and sound

If you already know
and love the Teensy
platform, this shield
is for you
SparkFun Electronics
CC BY 2.0

Practical and 1980s
retro. What’s not
to love?
Pimoroni LTD
Free download pdf