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Arduino: The Next Generation

Better tools makes for better developers



he hardware is only part of the
Arduino story. They’re just as famous
for the integrated development
environment (IDE) that makes it easy
to develop software for a wide range of
microcontroller boards – not just ones
they make. Despite being around for 15 years, the
IDE is only in version 1. However, the Arduino team
are rapidly working towards version 2.0, which is
bringing in some pretty big changes.
The headline feature for version 2.0 will be a
debugger. This is a tool that enables you to peek into
the code as it’s running and see what’s happening.
It’s a bit like a supercharged version of using
serial.print() statements to send debugging data over
the USB connection.
As well as the traditional development
environment for microcontrollers, there’s a new
web-based environment which combines a code
editor with a communication channel that lets you
move data between different devices or aggregate
information from lots of nodes in a single place.
It will also have the ability to create web-based
dashboards to display information from your
Arduino boards.
With the release of the MKR Vidor 4000,
Arduino needs a whole new style of development
environment which lets you build the bitstream
for the FPGA. The tool allows you to drag-and-drop
predefined pieces of IP into your project. This works
alongside the standard Arduino IDE where you can
include the software that’s needed to utilise the IP.
These three new features are a really wide-ranging
set of improvements which will impact almost
everyone who uses the Arduino IDE.



Arduinos waiting to
make the world a more
connected place

An early version of the
FPGA environment with
drag-and-drop IP
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