(Elliott) #1

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Laser-cut tank

’m Lucas Fierfort, and I’m beginning an engineering
degree in embedded electronics. I discovered laser cutting
three years ago, thanks to a classmate who introduced me to
the fab lab, Plascilab, in the south of Paris. Plus, I had a real
passion for tanks through video games, which made me a
tank model fan, and more precisely a model-maker.
I spend my free time designing my own models on Adobe
Illustrator, because I love the challenge of drawing something only
with 2D views, rather than 3D. I browse some historical plans, or a
screenshot of a 3D model, on SketchUp. The side and top views are
enough to make the entire model.
For now, I have made six or seven tanks, from the basic model
with static tracks and crude details, to my Jagdtiger, with moving
tracks and increasingly little details that change everything.
I love to make the entire project: from the tank choice, the idea of
how to make this and that detail, to the assembly, which can take
two entire months, due to some parts that don’t have always the
correct shape on first try, and must be cut again the next time I get
to my fab lab.


By Lucas Fierfort hsmag.cc/NLZjws

Lucas has made
other tanks, including
a Renault B1 Bis and
a Sherman M
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