(Marcin) #1

be used as an effective microscope by screwing the
objective lens all the way out and aligning the optics to
bring nearby objects into focus on the CCD chip. “We
stumbled across this when using the camera system in
an attempt to film some fruit flies in the lab, so we just
integrated the feature into our microscope design,”
says Tom.
And although the FlyPi doesn’t match the image
clarity of most commercial microscopes, it definitely
outperforms its rivals in regards to flexibility. “If you
want to, you can point the camera at a tree, zoom
out, and do a time-lapse over several days. Or, you
can zoom all the way in, point it at a blood smear, and
count macrophages,” Tom explains. When coupled
with coloured sheets of plastic commonly used for
theatre lighting, the system also allows for some forms
of fluorescence microscopy, which can be used for
tasks such as spotting parasites in tissue samples, or
identifying different types of white blood cells.
To survey to what extent the FlyPi may be beneficial
in a classroom scenario, Tom and André ran a series
of multi-day workshops at universities in sub-Saharan
Africa. In one workshop, 3D-printed parts, custom
PCBs, and off-the-shelf electronics were provided to
students that were then guided through the entire
process of assembly and installation. Although these

students had no previous experience with electronics
or soldering, all of them were able to successfully
assemble a working FlyPi. Assembling, using, and
maintaining Open Science Hardware like the FlyPi
can help students and citizen scientists expand their
confidence, ideally inspiring them to build and modify
other pieces of equipment themselves, which in a
teaching scenario, as Tom quite rightly points out, is
perhaps the most significant benefit of all.

The current version of the FlyPi only scratches
the surface of possible applications, and a recent
community-driven modification to the 3D-printed
frame repositioned the camera and focus motor
below a closed stage, resulting in a substantially more
robust design, which is far better suited to classroom
teaching. Other community-driven modifications
include a version where all the 3D-printed parts have
been replaced by LEGO bricks, as well as several forks
geared towards optimising the code, 3D models, and
expanding the electronic control circuits to include
additional modules.
Tom and André have also set up a centralised
public repository for anyone to access their Open
Science Hardware projects: Open-Labware.net. This
repository includes the Openspritzer, an open-source
‘Picospritzer’ that reportedly performs just as well as
four-figure commercial models, and the Spikeling, a
low-cost hardware implementation of a spiking neuron
for neuroscience teaching and outreach. “We think
it is very important that neuroscientific training and
research is opened up to larger numbers of students
and junior scientists around the world,” says Tom.

A 3D-printed FlyPi with motorised focus


Historians have long disputed the inventor of the
microscope. In the late 16th century, several Dutch
spectacle makers designed devices for magnifying objects,
with Hans Lippershey most famous for filing the first patent
for a telescope. However, it wasn’t until 1609 that Italian
polymath Galileo Galilei perfected the first device we
recognise today as the microscope.

Photograph of a
bipolar cell taken
using the FlyPi

The 3D-printed FlyPi
designed by Prof.
Tom Baden and
André Maia Chagas
Free download pdf