(Marcin) #1



We’re trying to test the range on it
though, because what happens when you
put a chip implant in here? Say this read
range is 5 mm; well now it’s in my skin,
so read range may only be 2 mm. You
want to test it really well before you put
it in your body.

HS What about props – you’re a
cosplayer, you must have used it for
something fun like that?

ADD We were talking with my friends
and they were just like, why don’t you
do something with your sword? So,
I have a cosplay sword and I want it
to light up when I hold it. Or, you
could do something based on an
accelerometer with all the
fancy microcontrollers. What
if I just have it that my hand
is the key, and it only lights up
when it recognises the key?
And I’m like, I should do
that, it would be fun. It’s a
very simple idea. It’s just like
taking copper tape, an LED,
and battery, and you can make
something light up. It’s cheap
and simple, and this is kind of
the same thing.

HS I thought Thor’s hammer would be a
good idea: get a strong magnet to hold it
down, which switches off when the right
person takes hold of the handle.

ADD That would be a fun thing to
do. And I guess not everyone’s going
to go and get a chip in their hand
because of cosplay, I’m just trying to
show that they’re not necessarily a
malicious thing.
I want to educate people on what it
is and what it isn’t. So, my dad’s
wife is very religious, and when I told
her about it, the first thing she said was
like, “666 mark of the beast!”
I have had some hate mail from a
religious group in Greece sent to my
house. Amy Danielle Dansby is my
real name; I own a house in Texas,
where all property ownership is public

record, so all you have to do is look up
public records of your house, and they
found me, and they sent me something.
They compared me to “Antichrist
technology like the Xbox One”. It’s kind
of a compliment. I laugh about it now,
but it’s different when things come to
your own home, to your family.

HS How affordable is it to get an implant
like this? Apart from yourself, the only
person I’ve met with one of these is a
Bitcoin millionaire.

ADD It was $99, US. And then the guy
who did it – he’s a body modification
person, so the sort of person you’d
get a piercing from, and he charged

$50. I think probably the prep time of
him sanitising everything, cleaning
everything by hand, probably took longer
than the actual procedure. He came up to
our makerspace and did it there.

HS Is there an online community where
people can share information about their
experiences of body hacking?

ADD Yes, the Dangerous Things Forum
has really good things. People share
information like, “Hey, I went for an
MRI with metal in my body. This is what
happened, this is what didn’t happen”.
I feel like everyone in the body hacking
community who ends up getting an
implant has different questions.
Some people will get one because
they’re intrigued, they’re an early
adopter. I like technology and new
things. It’s under the skin, but I can take

it out or get a new one if I want to, when
a new one comes out. So, that was my
question: can I get a new one? I want to
get an upgrade if a new one comes out, to
upload more information.
iPhone is a little more closed off than
Android, so I found, in that community,
people were creating an app to be able
to read the chip data, stuff like that. I
mean they’re helpful too, but I think the
Dangerous Things Forum has been a
more positive experience.
There are a few body hacking
[conventions] too. They’ll have medical
devices, there’s DARPA (Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency),
which is for the US military...

HS Replaceability is a big
thing for any tech. You said
earlier that spectacles are
a body hack, but I get these
checked every two years, and
I can put them on and off. But
that’s also a pain, because they
fall off, and get lost, and get sat
on sometimes.

ADD It’s still something to
improve your life. It’s like when
someone needs a heart valve
replacement. Can they live without that?
Do they have to get that valve replaced
every however many years?
I see body hacking as anything that
you’re using to modify or enhance your
way of life. So, say you have a toothache
and you go to the dentist and get a filling

  • it reminds me of Castaway with Tom
    Hanks, and he’s on the island and he has
    to break his tooth with the ice skate. That
    was such an awful thing for him, solely
    because he had a tooth infection. To have
    a dentist able to do that for you, and get it
    done without pain, is an enhancement to
    our way of living.
    And because everyone does it, like
    everyone has glasses, you don’t think of
    it as being bizarre or odd, right? You’re
    like, “Oh, I’m getting old, I need glasses”.
    What about getting laser surgery? That’s
    permanent, you weren’t born with it, and
    it’s an enhancement.

I got some hate

mail from a religious
group in Greece...
They compared me to
“Antichrist technology like
the Xbox One”

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