(Marcin) #1



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ant to use a blown-out light bulb as
a source of light? You can apply the
skill acquired from the previous snow
globe hack to transform a light bulb
into an oil lamp. Inspired by industrial
designer Sergio Silva’s design, Instructables.com
user Magnelectrostatic has detailed the process to
create one with easily accessible items. The most
cumbersome part of the build is the removal of
the base of the lamp, which must be kept intact to
augment the final look of the lamp. The Instructable
offers suggestions and tips, along with illustrated
images to help you with the process. Use a cylindrical
file to make a hole in the base that’s big enough to
pass the wick. Once the bulb is hollowed, glue a
couple of small magnets inside the bulb. When it’s
dry, fill it with paraffin oil. Screw the base back on and
place it on the wooden slab.

heshire-based jewellery designer
Fern uses broken light bulbs in a
very creative fashion. With a simple
aluminium wire she transforms the bulbs
into a range of bugs and insects that can
style all kinds of tables. Begin by first straightening
a 1.5 mm-thick length of aluminium craft wire, with
your fingers or using pliers. To create the hind legs,
wrap some length around the base of the bulb in
such a fashion that you end up with two legs sticking
out at the ends. Bend these downwards at an angle
part-way, and use pliers to spiral the ends for the feet.
Similarly, create the forelegs by wrapping another



length across the base, this time bent forwards
before being bent downwards. Finally, use the pliers
to create the loops for the feet. Add a pair of feelers
in the same fashion
to complete
the look.

Fern has shared a
couple of designs for
other insects on her
Instructable, along
with a video


Daniel Winker

Project Maker

Project Link

The bulbs rest on a
wooden base in which
you’ve drilled holes
and placed magnets
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