Scientific Аmеricаn 10.2019

(ff) #1
October 2019, 51

is “a sort of statistical limit,” meaning that such materials are
simply less likely to exist. Phonon-mediated pairing tends to be
stronger in wobblier atomic lattices (a perfectly rigid lattice
could not support conventional superconductivity, which
requires the lattice to pull toward an electron). Therefore, the
exceptionally robust pairing needed for high-temperature con-
ventional superconductivity seems to demand a special type of
crystal structure, analogous to the elaborate designs engineers
employ in modern bridges to keep them sturdy despite their flex-
ing with the wind.
So room-temperature superconductors, if they exist, are
undoubtedly rare. Yet hope springs from the immensity of the
searchable landscape: the approximately 100 stable elements in
the periodic table could yield 4,950 combinations of two,
161,700 of three, and so on. Factor in choices of stoichiometry
(the ratios of elements in a compound) and lattice structure,
and the possibilities are endless. So how do scientists find the
exceptional materials in that chemical haystack?

one morning in November 2017, Somayazulu was driving to work
and racking his brain. The test to confirm LaH 10 ’s superconduc-
tivity was not going well. It required replacement of a metal gas-
ket in the diamond anvil cell with an insulating material to pre-
vent a short circuit during measurement of the resistance. But
for months the hydrogen gas had been leaking out of every
design the team tried. “Every day we’d come in and discuss, and
we’d try once more,” Somayazulu says. “It was very frustrating.”
Then, sitting in traffic on the D.C. Capital Beltway, he had an
idea: “Why don’t we use a source of hydrogen that is solid?”
Somayazulu thought that ammonia borane, a hydrogen-rich
substance he knew of from earlier research, just might release
hydrogen in the right way. After several months of refinement,
the design worked. He saw LaH 10 ’s resistance plummet at 265
kelvins. He quickly snapped a picture with his phone, and then
the team’s computer program crashed and the cell’s diamonds
disintegrated. The photograph was all that was left of their feat,
and it would be another six months before they could repeat it.
Somayazulu had spent nearly a quarter of a century trying to
compress hydrogen into a superconductor. This was a dream
Hemley had been chasing for decades, based on a prediction first
made by physicist Neil Ashcroft of Cornell University in 1968. It
could take as much as 10  million atmospheres of pressure to
achieve such a material, Ashcroft acknowledged in 1983, but he
theorized that a second element added to hydrogen might reduce
that requirement by acting like a wedge to break up the H 2 mole-
cules that hydrogen is prone to form. Thus freed, the hydrogen
atoms could vibrate in ways conducive to high-temperature
superconductivity: the pliable bonds between them would pro-
mote strong phonon coupling between electrons, and their low
atomic mass would foster phonons that vibrated at an unusually
high frequency (and therefore high energy), which would attract
electrons in large numbers to the condensate.
For years after arriving from India in 1994 to work with
Hemley as a postdoctoral fellow at the Carnegie Institution,
Somayazulu dutifully crushed and heated myriad hydrogen
mixtures in various ways, finding plenty of interesting physics
but no superconductivity. “Here I am trying to dope hydrogen
systematically with all kinds of things,” he says. “I’m squeezing

Ion Electron

Cooper pair

Superconductor Primer

Within a superconductor, complex quantum-mechanical
effects allow electricity to flow without resistance. A theory
known as BCS (after its three inventors’ initials) describes
a basic picture of how it works, although physicists think
the details for many superconducting materials are more
complicated. The BCS process goes like this:

Illustration by Jen Christiansen

As a negatively
charged electron
travels through
a lattice of posi­
tively charged
ions, the ions
pull toward it,
scrunching up
the lattice.

The resulting
bunching of
positive charge
pulls another
electron toward
the first.

The two electrons
form a connection
that links them
into a united
entity, called
a Cooper pair.

A large number
of Cooper pairs
synchronize and
combine to
create a giant
wave, known as
a Bose­Einstein
that is so large
it can pass
through the lat­
tice unimpeded.





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