
(Greg DeLong) #1

28 ArtistDrawingandInspiration


basic plot will allow me to fill in the
values and forms, rounding them out
as I go. The curves in the bird bath are
also formed with short straight lines
at first, to create the basic shape.

step twO
Tracing a reference
I illustrate these lines on tracing
paper for demonstration purposes.
(For the sake of this demonstration,
I have marked some of the smaller
line directions in green and some

of the larger directional lines in
pink; notice the appearance of the
underlying geometry of the structures.)

step tHRee
Working up the figures
Sam is the focus of the picture. I begin
to work in the major shadow shapes
and some of the finer details, moving
from the face down. I use 4H, HB
and 2B pencils at first to obtain some
sense of value and form. Sam’s three-
year old face is very rounded and it

is important to capture this. I am also
aiming to recreate his expression of
wonder as he dabbles with the water.

step FOUR
Deeper and darker
I begin with the eyes and mouth;
building the creases and hollows, I
then work outwards into the larger
shadows again. I work in very fine
layers of shading, cross-hatching with
fine lines and then caressing the page
with tissue paper to blend the edges of

step six step six - ClOse Up

step tHRee step FOUR step Five
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