
(Greg DeLong) #1
52 ArtistDrawingandInspiration


Two Spirits on Mars

Coloured Pencils

This painting of two foxes has a special meaning for Angela.

By Angela Morrissey


he painting I have chosen is
called Two Spirits on Mars.
As I mentioned in my profile,
I am quite spiritual. The Gospel of St
Matthew says: “Foxes have holes...
but the Son of Man has no place to
lay his head.” For me, the fox has a
spiritual meaning. This painting is of

two Fennec foxes (found in Israel) that
represent the spirit of my late father and
cousin Jenny. My father passed away in
2007 (brain tumour) and Jenny passed
in 2010 (skin cancer). I am grateful
for the comfort I find not only from
the Bible but also from my creativity.

Before I even contemplate creating
a composition I always make sure
there are several layers of paint on my
canvas. Just starting on a new, white
canvas can be overwhelming. I would
advise any artist, especially those just
starting out, to make sure you have

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