National Geographic Traveler Interactive - 10.11 2019

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As a photographer, Chris is no stranger to capturing the
world’s sunniest beaches. Though over time, even the
most warm and beautiful places will eventually become
monotonous. What Chris felt was lacking from his day
job was a sense of wonder, a sense of real adventure.
an untrammeled landscape of picturesque mountains,
Looking for a new location, Chris decided it was time for
a drastic change. He was going to photograph one of the
coldest beaches on Earth.
“I went to the Lofoten Islands. The islands of the
gods. It was like I found this whole new world that
maybe others had simply overlooked. It was minus
23 degrees, icy wind, and three-meter-high waves.”
Plunging into freezing temperatures, the experience on
the wild coast of Norway awakened a new passion in him.

He was on a mission to dive right in (quite literally)
to capture this incredible place like never before.

“If shivering is a form of meditation, then I consider
myself a monk.”

For Chris, capturing the Norwegian Lofoten Islands
was the life-changing experience he was looking for.
Gone were the days of capturing the same old beaches
and the same old photographs. It was time to push
the boundaries of travel and never look back. To seek
unforgettable nature experiences in one of the world’s
most incredible places.

“I traded touristy beaches for harsh wilderness.
This was the best decision of my life.”

To discover more #LifeChangingPlaces like
Lofoten Islands and to get inspiration for your next trip,

Untouched. Untamed. Yet bursting with endless opportunity. The Norwegian Lofoten Islands,

far above the Arctic Circle, is everything an adventurer could wish for and more. So when the

Geographic photographer Chris Burkard was ready.

Life Changing Places: Lofoten

“I came here to do something
different. And now I know,
I never want to do anything
else again.”


—Chris Burkard

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