National Geographic Traveler Interactive - 10.11 2019

(lu) #1

Life Is a


From nature to nightlife,
here are ways to enjoy
this city of many sides

Opt for the Outdoors

With more than 2,500
parks, Berlin ranks as
one of the world’s greenest
capitals. Its idyllic center-
piece is the Tiergarten, a
former Prussian hunting
ground now filled with
lakes, jogging trails, and
rose gardens. An airport
built by the Nazis—
that became a lifeline for
West Berlin during the
1948-49 blockade—
Tempelhofer Feld now
serves as a public park
where cyclists speed down
the runways. And on sunny
days, there’s no better
place to people-watch
than the Landwehr Canal,
which winds for more
than six miles through
the heart of the city.

View Walls as Artwork

Known as Europe’s
most “bombed”
(graffiti-marked) city, Berlin
was named a UNESCO City
of Design in part because
of its wildly creative street
art. The East Side Gallery,
with 101 murals splashed
across a still standing
section of the Berlin Wall,
is the world’s largest and
longest open-air gallery.
Urban Nation’s newly
opened Museum for
Urban Contemporary Art
uses mobile facades to
transform the building’s
architecture and exterior
walls into canvases them-
selves. For an eye-catching
barrage of makeshift
murals, head to Mitte’s
Haus Schwarzenberg.

Visit Prussian Palaces

Berlin’s history is not
all dark and heavy.
For proof, make a visit to
Schloss Charlottenburg, a
sparkling baroque beauty
inspired by Versailles. Set
amid manicured gardens, a
carp pond, and an ensem-
ble of rococo palaces, this
18th-century castle stands
as a reminder of Berlin’s
proud Prussian past. Just
a 40-minute S-Bahn ride
away, Potsdam is a vast
UNESCO World Heritage
site (the largest in Ger-
many) encompassing 150
buildings across 1,200
acres. Be sure to see the
crown jewels of Frederick
the Great’s summer stomp-
ing grounds: Neues Palais
and Schloss Sanssouci.

Stay Up Late

For many, Berlin’s
legendary party
scene is the holy grail for
hedonists everywhere.
Housed in a former East
Berlin power station,
Berghain may be the
world’s most hallowed
techno club. But beware
of its infamously rigid door
policy, which favors hood-
ies and black jeans, noth-
ing fancy. For more relaxed
clubs, try Kater Blau and
://about blank. If all-night
raves are not your thing,
stroll the Weserstrasse,
Revaler Strasse, Simon-
Dach Strasse, and Tor-
strasse corridors for chill
wine and cocktail bars, live
music, off-kilter dives, and
everything in between.

The grassy Platz
der Republik,
in front of the
Reichstag building,
lures loungers.
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