(sharon) #1


Direct From Shenzen

s humble magazine journalists,
we spend much of our day in front
of a computer banging away at
little switches. The keyboard is the
tool with we physically interact most
frequently with by a large margin,
and so it’s important to us to get it feeling great
under our hands. This is important for far more than
the simple pleasure of a good clack – repetitive
strain injury (RSI) is a significant risk for anyone who
regularly uses a computer, and having a properly
set up keyboard goes a long way to alleviating
the problem.
At a basic level, keyboards aren’t complex things.
They’re just a lot of switches arranged nicely, with a

The finished
keyboard with a few
caps removed to
show the stainless
steel backing plate
and the PCB




Hacking your way to superior computer input


keyboard kit

By Ben Everard ben_everard

microcontroller to convert these switch presses into
USB commands.
Most keyboard PCBs are designed to have surface-
mounted components for the microcontroller and
associated bits, and through-hole keys. We opted for
a kit that already had the surface-mount components
soldered on and just the switches to add. This makes it
easier to assemble, but still gives you control over the
choice of keys.
Picking the switches is where things get interesting.
It’s easiest opt for a keyboard that takes Cherry MX
style switches (usually the three-pin variety). There
are a few manufacturers that make switches that fit
these, but the most common are Cherry and Gateron.
Both manufacturers produce keys with a range of
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