(sharon) #1

Vector design programs for laser cutting



nother free option available is
Gravit Designer. Like Illustrator and
Inkscape it’s available for Mac and
PC, but it also has a free web app
that can do everything the desktop
versions can.
Gravit is a bare-bones, basic vector design
program. It’s not trying to compete with the ever-
expanding feature-set of Adobe. It knows what you
need to do 95% of the time, and focuses on making
that as easy as possible.
Getting started is incredibly intuitive, so much
so that this has become our go-to vector design
software for teaching kids. The pen tool behaves
exactly as you would expect and smart guides pop
up to help you align your points with other objects.
Along with the pen is a freehand drawing tool that,
like other applications, will automatically smooth
your line and minimise control points. Like most of
its features, though, the freehand tool lacks settings
to fine-tune how it smooths. Another example is the
basic alignment tools that are there (and they work
for objects and control points), but there isn’t an
option to align to the page.
Key laser-cutter design features, like working with
multiple measurement systems and allowing maths
within text fields, let you create and edit objects
that require precision, and a dashed stroke within
the line options (which you can expand to individual
paths) lets you prepare an object to be lasered
as perforations.
Other features that let you go beyond the basics
include Boolean operations and symbol creation
(allowing you to create linked clones of objects). It
even has a robust text tool with an extensive web
font library and the ability to import your own fonts.
You can then convert that text to paths, as you
would need to do to make it laser-ready.
One thing missing that we find critical is the
ability to perform transforms on multiple objects
simultaneously from each object’s origin. Let’s say

GRAVIT FREE designer.gravit.io


you have four holes around a case you’re going to
laser-cut and you decide to make them all 5 mm
instead of 3 mm. Ideally you want a tool that lets
you select them all and scale them, while keeping
their centre point in the same place. Gravit’s more
advanced counterparts all have that ability. A
bitmap image trace feature would also be nice for
converting existing art, but it won’t be missed by
most users.
Gravit has some interesting and useful features
among its limited arsenal. In addition to layer control,
it has the option to create pages that mimic the
artboards in Illustrator and allow you to view, move,
and resize them all side by side.
Overall, Gravit makes a great beginner and even
intermediate vector design program. It’s easy to
get started, does pretty much everything you might
need, and can export an SVG or PDF file with all the
right settings to make it ready to laser.

Gravit has most of
the tools you would
need for vector work
and presents them
with a clear and
intuitive UI

Quick and easy
for basic work.
Has the core
features but
lacks tools
for experts


6 / 10

Free download pdf