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SparkFun Inventor’s Kit version 4


he SparkFun Inventor’s Kit (SIK) is
an electronics set that comes with
a guide-book and a storage box for
keeping everything tidy. The kit is set
up around the SparkFun RedBoard which
is pretty similar to an Arduino Uno R3. As
far as most beginners are concerned, it might as well
be an Arduino Uno – you program it in the same way
and the pinouts are the same. There is a version that
comes with an Arduino Uno R3 for an additional $10.


SparkFun Inventor’s Kit

version 4

$99.95 sparkfun.com

By Ben Everard ben_everard

Alongside the RedBoard, there’s enough bits and
pieces to complete a range of projects. It’s clear that
quite a bit of thought has gone into the balance of
this kit. There are bits to display information (LEDs,
LCD display), bits to get data (ultrasonic sensor,
potentiometer, and temperature sensor), bits to make
things move (motors and a servo), and associated bits
(resistors and motor drivers).
Along with the electronics bits, there’s a breadboard
which allows you to assemble circuits without having
to solder them together and, once you’re finished,
everything comes apart and you can reuse the bits in
your next circuit. Together, there’s almost everything
you need to make the projects in the guide (you’ll
also need scissors, pliers, four AA batteries,
and a paper clip).
It’s the guide-book that really sets the
SparkFun Inventor’s Kit above the many
other electronic component kits that
we’ve seen. It includes a basic setup
guide and then five projects, each of
which includes three or four circuits as
well as suggestions for different ways you
could modify the build to take it in different
directions. The guide is available online at
The projects start with the classic
blinking LED and build up to a wheeled
robot that navigates the world by itself. If
you complete these and are still looking
for more, there are also some additional
resources at hsmag.cc/uMJoEj.
The guide is well laid out and easy to
follow. It includes explanations of the
different concepts and components that
you’re using, so it’s not just a list of steps that
you complete in turn. There’s also trouble-shooting
advice for when things don’t work, and suggestions
for extending each project.

Keeping our
components tidy is
a constant struggle
for us – the SparkFun
Inventor’s Kit gets you
off to the right start
Free download pdf