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Electrosmash Pedal Pi



ElectroSmash Pedal Pi

£49.95 electrosmash.com

By Andrew Gregory AndrewGregory83

he world of the guitarist is full of
expensive gear. Online discussions
rage about what types of wire are
best in guitar pickups, which kinds
of transistors (germanium or silicon)
provide the best fuzz tone, and, possibly
the biggest question of all: pentode or tetrode
rectifier? In short, the electronics geek and the guitar
geek have loads in common, and this pedal promises
to give some overlap between the two worlds.
The ElectroSmash Pedal Pi is a programmable
guitar effects pedal that uses a Raspberry Pi zero
and some code (written in the C programming
language), that the user downloads on to the Pi,
compiles, and runs to provide the brains of the
effect. There’s nothing to stop you writing your
own effects from scratch, but the sensible way to
get started is to use ElectroSmash’s own samples
and go from either using code contributed by the
Pedal Pi’s user community or modifying the code
parameters yourself. The pedal comes in kit form,
so first of all you have to build it.

With almost no soldering experience, we found the
Pedal Pi pleasingly straightforward to put together.
With just a few exceptions, the components
were clearly labelled, and the instructions on the
ElectroSmash website are clear and easy to follow.
Being afflicted by colour-blindness, the bands on
resistors were impossible to read, so we had to take
a trip to our friendly local electronics store to get
someone to confirm the resistance values for two
of the unlabelled resistors. There are also two chips
(the op-amp and the analogue to digital converter)
that could go on the board in a number of ways. The
troubleshooting guide says to check that these are
the right way round, but we couldn’t find anywhere
in the instructions to show what this right way round
was; the information is there on the ElectroSmash
site, it just took us a while to look for it.
It’s also not mentioned in the instructions that
you need to solder the included header pins to the
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