(sharon) #1

Hackspace of the month


e started out casually meeting
up in pubs in 2010 – just a couple
of people, but then we found a
space by the train station, and
we started collecting tools and
running workshops.
After roughly a year there, we moved into
our current premises, where we are in the
process of expanding out to two floors filled with
hackspace delights!

Our hackspace is for anyone in Nottingham who is
looking for a place to make things. Whether you’re
interested in electronics, woodworking, craftwork,
textiles, metalworking, art, programming, music, or just
having a good time in a space with people who also
like to make things, we try to be a welcoming place.
Our members get 24 hour access to the space, the
ability to use the tools and consumable items, and
the chance to become a part of the space. Everything
is driven by our members, whether they’re spending


Hackspace of the month:

Nottingham Hackspace

their time keeping the space tidy, answering emails
and questions from the public, donating extra money
to help buy new tools, helping remodel the new areas
we’re building, running a workshop, inducting new
members, or even just being on hand to help out a
fellow member with something. Our space is entirely
funded by our members and everything inside has
been either paid for or donated by members.
And with over 570 members, it can be a lot of work,
but very rewarding for everyone who volunteers.

We have a wide range of tools and equipment for our
members to use, including a laser cutter with an A0
bed, a Bridgeport metal mill, an Ultimaker 3D printer,
industrial and home sewing machines, fully equipped
electronics workstations, a full-sized table saw, a
kitchen with cooking equipment, a computerised full-
colour embroidery machine, bike parking and tools,
arc and MIG welding equipment, a wood-turning
lathe, screen-printing equipment, hand tools, and so
much more.

Open nights at
Nottinghack are
every Wednesday
from 6.30pm

Kate Bolin

Free download pdf