(sharon) #1



Farm Urban



HackSpace magazine meets...

Dr Paul Myers and Dr Jens Thomas


e’re ruining the
planet, but the
system we’re locked
into means that as
long as someone is
making plenty of
money, there’s no economic incentive to
changing the status quo.
Rather than running around preaching,
Dr Jens Thomas and Dr Paul Myers
of Farm Urban are doing something
about this sorry state of affairs. They’re
developing systems to grow food where
it’s needed — where people are — to
minimise food wasted in the distribution
chain. They’re involving schools, taking
real food out to children so that they can
learn for themselves about healthy eating.
They’re also thinking about how
the science is going to fit in with our
current agricultural practices, so rather
than advocating a utopian dream of
everyone living off lentils, they’re running
competitions to inspire kids to come up
with business ideas around food.
We went to their secret underground
lair to find more about open source food
production, how Arduino and Raspberry
Pi are powering the next wave of research,
and why Ikea is more than just a cheap
furniture store...


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