(sharon) #1



Farm Urban


Do you envisage every house having
a Produce Pod or something similar?
How is it likely to spread in a best-
case scenario?

PM The beauty is that it’s completely
scalable, I would say the smallest you’d
go to is the Produce Pod. Everyone could
have one of those in their kitchen. And
then you could scale up from that. We’re
developing a living salad wall at the
moment that a business could have in
the canteen for the business – they’d
have a living salad wall for everyone, and
restaurants and bars could do that.

Our next step is to turn the space
we’re in now into a 200 square metre
vertical farming system. If within a one
or two mile radius you had one of these...
it’s not small, it’s kind of a commercial
scale system, with the communities
involved in the growing, kind of nodes,
around the country... that would work
quite well.

Would supermarkets be interested in
growing fresh crops themselves? They
seem to have a quasi monopoly on
food production anyway, so it would
make sense.

PM I think that’s what’s really exciting
about this, is that maybe supermarkets
will buy it, but do they actually need to?
Can you just sell direct to consumers? I
think the States are further ahead in this
than us. There’s an organisation called
Bright Agrotech, and they’ve developed
something called the Zip Tower. They
just had a $200 million investment from
Jeff Bezos and SoftBank, and they’re
looking to put these farms outside every
major city on quite a large scale. But I
don’t see why you couldn’t be selling
through farmers’ markets direct to
consumers and even into supermarkets.

JENS There’s also the idea that you can
actually grow within the supermarkets,
of course. In Canada they’ve done this
where they’ve got supermarkets, on the
top they’ve got greenhouses that are
growing the vegetables. In Spain, they
do live sales in the supermarket where it
comes off the roof or the basement, the
customer cuts off the bits that they want.
They’re literally harvesting it themselves,
so you couldn’t get any fresher. That
means its going to last that much longer.
Whether you do that in a supermarket
or a smaller kind of shop, all of these
are open questions, which is why it’s so
exciting. No one knows what the model’s
going to be yet.

The Water Elf:
an Arduino and a
bunch of sensors

Much gear was donated by Merseyside
Police – confiscated from cannabis growers
Free download pdf