(sharon) #1

Silver soldered storage box


size as this will be slightly larger than your original
sketched rectangle. Allow 0.1 mm clearance so
that the box does not wedge in place, and don’t
forget to allow for the tabs which are folded on the
inside of the lid. Model the box and create another
flat pattern. You’ll now be able to determine how
large a sheet of metal will be required. We picked
a 1000 mm × 500 mm sheet and then adjusted the
design to use the full width of the sheet, this saved
quite a bit of sawing.

Simple gas torches consist of a brass nozzle and
regulator that screw into a fitting on the top of a
disposable canister. Bigger torches have pipes so
they can be used with large, and hence less portable,
canisters. The canisters contain liquefied gas which
boils as soon as it is released into the air. Some torches
have a sparker built in to light the gas, it’s also possible
to purchase a flint cup sparker to light the gas.
The regulators and nozzles are designed to work
with specific gases so if you want to use more than one
gas you’ll need to get the right burners.
Gas should be stored somewhere that is
well ventilated but also protected from the
weather. For larger bottles, a cage with a roof is
typically recommended.
There are several gases that are available in
DIY stores:
Butane Gas is the same gas you find in lighters. It’s
cheap and readily available. It has the lowest boiling
point of all of the options and hence, when working
in cold weather, this gas may refuse to leave
its container.
Propane is the next up the scale and is typically
found in larger burners such as the type for melting
roofing felt or killing weeds. The canisters for
propane are typically larger and, combined with a
bigger burner, can provide more heat. We found this
was the best option for the size of box being made.
Butane Propane Mix is cheaper than propane
and is a combination of both the above. It shares the
properties with both, providing more heat than pure
butane but is available in smaller canisters.
It’s worth briefly mentioning oxyacetylene, it is
possible to silver solder with this but you are more
likely to melt your metal. Oxyacetylene is great for
welding but might be tricky to adjust down to a good
temperature for silver soldering.


Create dimensioned drawings to aid marking out

Avoid frustration by getting your tools ready before you start

You can also use
cardboard to
prototype your box
if you are not so
familiar with CAD


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