(coco) #1

Monitor your solar setup in your browser


The WiFi connection is started, and a static IP address
assigned in the following section.
void startWIFI(void) {
Serial.print(“Connecting to “);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet);

An instance of a WiFi server is created to
receive requests to access the website from other
devices, clients.
WiFiServer myserver(80);
String req;

The sketch waits for web requests to be received over
the WiFi and then returns the webpage with the latest
data from the sensor (Figure 1).
The dashboard is drawn by drawing a black
background circle, an arc with angle related to the
value to be displayed, a silver circle on top with the
value displayed as a number, and finally a text title. The
complicated bit is drawing the correct arc. This involves
calculating the screen co-ordinates of the four vertices
of the light blue arc, shown in the diagram (Figure 2).
A full arc will have an angle of 270 degrees.
The webpage is created by printing lines of HTML
and SVG code to the client. HTML instructions mainly
cover setting up a webpage, layout, and text. To produce
interesting graphics, an extension like SVG is required.
Each time the solar web server receives a valid
request from a client, it calculates the co-ordinates of
the arc on the dashboard and produces the image. SVG
files are a text-based XML format, so we can generate
them easily in the code.
The main SVG instructions used are circle, path with
the arc(A) setting, and text.
In the sketch, when a double quote (“) character
has to be sent to a client using the client.println()
instruction, it must be preceded by \, or it will be
interpreted as the end of a string. This makes the code
more complicated to read. For example, the first line in
the SVG creation is sent with:
client.println(“<svg version=\”1.1\” xmlns=\
height=\”” +
+ “\” width=\””
To allow it to be easily adapted for other applications,
the webpage drawing code is split into two sections:
the first is application-specific, and the second a
generic part which draws the dashboard.
In the application-specific part, the message that
a client will use to request information, the units of
the variable being displayed, the title for the display,
and the full-scale value are specified. In addition, it
needs a function called dashCollectValue() which will
return the value to be displayed. This value should be
between zero and the full-scale value.
The dashboard is drawn in the watchForMessage()
function. It starts by responding to contact from
the client over the WiFi. The dashboard creation
section takes the value to be displayed, calculates
the co-ordinates of the arc, and then ‘prints’ the
appropriate HTML and SVG code to the client. This
section is not reproduced in full here, but detailed

The Arduino IDE runs on PCs using the Linux, Windows, and Mac OSX operating systems. Go
to the Arduino site arduino.cc and download the appropriate version for your PC.
To set up the Arduino IDE for ESP8266 boards, follow the straightforward instructions
at hsmag.cc/hHqHDU.
Once this is complete, select the correct board in the IDE by using Tools > Board and
choosing NodeMCU 1.0.

The TSL2561 library can be directly loaded in the Arduino IDE:

  1. In the Arduino IDE, select Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.

  2. This will display a new window. The IDE will contact a server to update a reasonably
    comprehensive list of libraries available. Once this has finished, type TSL2561 in the
    filter box to find the library for this project; the TSL2561 one from SparkFun is the
    required one.

  3. Click More Info, select the latest version, and then Install.





Figure 2
arc labelling
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