(coco) #1



Micro Dot pHAT

vs Adafruit Bicolor LED Square

Pixel Matrix with I2C Backpack

hen it comes to displays,
it’s hard to beat the look of
something retro. Yes, modern
LCD touchscreens are super-
cool, but they tend to be a
little boring, at least visually.
When you need to display some data, and you
want a little added old-school design flair to your
finished project, these retro-style displays may be
your answer.
Both of these displays use the common I^2 C
protocol for controlling the LEDs; however, the
Pimoroni board has a ‘pHAT’ form factor
which really limits it to be used with
almost any variation of a Raspberry
Pi – not such a bad thing since
it’s such a great platform.
The Adafruit Bicolor LED
Square Pixel Matrix is
platform agnostic,
which allows you
to easily use it
with whatever
controller your
project requires,
including Arduino.
If you aren’t using
a Raspberry Pi
and you really love
the look of the Micro
Dot pHAT, don’t despair.
Pimoroni also sells the individual
LTP-305 LED matrix components
so that you can use them however you
like. Just keep in mind that you will want to
implement a suitable matrix driver to get them up
and running.

PIMORONI $25 shop.pimoroni.com ADAFRUIT $15.95 adafruit.com


This Pimoroni display, with
its six individual segments,
looks cool even without
any power being supplied
Pimoroni LTD

Pimoroni board has
a ‘pHAT’ form factor
which really limits it to
be used with almost
any variation of a
Raspberry Pi

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