(coco) #1

to consume around 720 mA, of which the left motor
(when looking face to face with the car) pulls 445 mA,
whereas the right motor pulls only 285 mA, so this
may cause a bias in the steering.

Firstly, the soldering for the circuit board is very poor:
for the motor connections the solder was barely on
the correct part of the board, and there was evidence
of the wiring being deformed due to excess heat, so
this would be a great candidate for resoldering. That
aside, the circuit board is packed with components,
but the most important is the X2455 IC that acts as
a 2.4 GHz radio receiver and decoder. The X2455 is
connected to an antenna and receives radio signals
from the controller, which it interprets and then sends
the correct response to the two CP2119 H-bridge
motor controllers that then rotate the motors in the
required direction. Despite being a common board
found in Nikko products, not much is known about
the CP2119 motor controller; in fact, the nearest data
sheet we could find was for an RZ7889 and this is
for a motor controller that works between 3 V and
15 V with a peak output current of 5 A. Should we
wish to replace the electronics, then a suitable motor
controller would be the L298 series as this can handle
up to 4 A of current, but don’t be tempted to use
the on-board 5 V regulator to power a Raspberry Pi /
Arduino as this is not suitable and could cause issues.
If you haven’t got an L298, then at a push a DRV8833
could be used but this has a peak output of 2 A, so
the startup current of the motors means that you are
pushing it past its limits. No matter what choice of
controller, the existing 7.2 V battery can be reused.
Removing the circuit board is simple: it’s held in place
by a friction fit and the wires soldered to it. There is
plenty of space for an Arduino / Raspberry Pi Zero or
other small controller boards and this would make an
instant deadly robot!

Held together with simple clips, the controller is a
cheap plastic shell offering two inputs, each with only a
forward and backward control option. They are simply
covering momentary switches, those that are used on
breadboards, and the user merely mushes the plastic
of the controller to the button. We see a 2.4 GHz radio
transmitter that relays the controls to the X2455 in the
car. The controller is powered by three AAA batteries
and is a generic unit used across the Nikko range.

The car offers plenty of scope for hacks. It can be quite
useful as a donor machine for a Robot Wars / Pi Wars
competition thanks to a great battery and space to
contain your own electronics. Build quality is decent and
there is easy access thanks to using a common type of
machine screw. The tank tracks offer stability over many
different terrains.
This is a fun platform to hack around with and
quite cost-effective when compared to other robot
donor candidates.


So you’ve replaced the existing electronics with
something else, but what can you do with the old X2445
and the CP2119 on the old board? Well, now you have a
simple 2.4 GHz radio receiver which can be used to build
your own radio-controlled vehicle or project that can
be remotely triggered using the electronics found in the
controller. Based on the 4.5 V power source required for
the controller, an Arduino or other 5 V logic board could
be used to simulate the button push and be used as a
remote trigger. Waste not, want not!

Removing the circuit
board is simple, and
it leaves us enough
space to insert a
small Arduino, Pi
Zero or other control
board along with a
motor controller

A great board that
can be repurposed
for other projects.
It combines a radio
receiver and motor
controller to enable
the user to control
the car
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