(coco) #1

he Circuit Playground Express (CPX) is
a programmable microcontroller board
that makes it really easy to get started.
Plug it into a computer with a micro USB
cable and you’re ready to start coding.
The UF2 firmware takes software into
the board in two ways: either you can press the reset
button to enter programming mode and copy UF2
files into a new drive that will appear on your machine,
or you can upload directly from the Arduino IDE. For
beginners the first method will be easier, as you can
generate these UF2 files from either the web-based
MakeCode block-based editor or from a Circuit Python
development environment.
On some versions of Windows, you’ll need to install
drivers, but on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows 10, you
don’t need to install anything if you use MakeCode – just
plug your board into a USB port, then point your browser
to makecode.adafruit.com to start your first project.

From here you can take advantage of the wide range of
hardware that’s packed onto the board. For output, there
are ten NeoPixels and a speaker (not just a buzzer).
For input, there are two buttons, a slide switch, an
accelerometer, a temperature sensor, a microphone,
and a light sensor. With all this, you can put together
some pretty fancy projects straight away. For our first
project, we made an indicator for cyclists. It uses the
large holes on the CPX to attach it to the back of a
cycling glove, then uses the accelerometer to recognise
when the hand is held out indicating a turn and flashes
the NeoPixels orange. This took 18 lines of dragged-and-
dropped code in MakeCode and no additional hardware
(most of these were to ensure that there was a stable
reading from the accelerometer). While it’s hardly a
complex project, it shows that you can build useful
projects quickly with no additional hardware or software.
There’s nothing on the Circuit Playground Express
that’s fundamentally unique – you can get the
same sensors and outputs to attach to virtually any
microcontroller. What makes this board special is the
way it’s brought together into a single package. It’s
hard to think of any project where you’ll need all the
features available, but given the £25 price tag, it’s easy
to justify the cost even if you only need one or two of
the extra input or output options. By bringing them all
onto the main board, there’s no extra setup or wiring,
and it’s all supported by the software without having to
add any libraries, which again makes it thankfully easy
to get started.
The one obvious thing missing from the device is
any form of networking. It does have a built-in infra-red

receiver and transmitter, I2C and UART, but no WiFi
or Bluetooth. The other major limitation of the board is
that it’s not breadboard-friendly – it’s far more suited to
crocodile clips or banana plugs.

Whether or not these are really limitations depends
a lot on the sort of projects you’re working on. The
CPX isn’t going to work well for Internet of Things-
type applications. It’s also not going to work well as
a controller for building complex circuits – having just
eight GPIOs limits the amount of hardware you can
connect. Anyway, there are lots of microcontroller
boards far more suited to these uses. However, the
CPX makes it fantastically easy to get started with
embedded and physical computing projects. You can
build on the integrated hardware with the eight GPIOs.
Seven of these can detect capacitive touch input, so
to add more user input to your project, you just need
a few crocodile clips and leads. As all the GPIOs can
read analogue input, it’s also trivial to add input from
and device that gives a varying voltage as it’s output.
There are also five PWM output pins for driving LEDs

at different brightnesses. The MakeCode platform is a
code repository as well as an IDE, and there are a set
of tutorials from Adafruit to help you get started with
the platform and the hardware.
The CPX is well suited to people getting their first
microcontroller, either buying one themselves for fun
or as part of a taught course. For this purpose, it’s
genuinely hard to fault the CPX. It’s easy to learn with
no (or minimal) software to install, yet at the same time
allows you to use more advanced languages if you’ve
got the knowledge and experience. It packs a fantastic
range of input and output options onto the board,
which means that you can dive right into some more
interesting projects without getting immediately bogged
down in attaching extra hardware. It’s also easy to start
to build simple circuits off using crocodile clips.
Perhaps the ultimate test of any bit of hobbyist kit is
whether or not it sparks excitement. For us, the CPX
gave us a childlike sense of glee, because it makes
so much so easy. This is great for beginners and any
hobbyists who like to quickly prototype projects.



The CPX is well suited to people getting their first
microcontroller, either buying one themselves for
fun or as part of a taught course

The best
board for
people to

10 / 10


Free download pdf