(coco) #1

How I Made: Time-to-go-clock


Components – the rest

  • Arduino Mega or clone equivalent –
    although GRA & AFCH say the Clock
    shield would work with an Arduino
    Uno, in my implementation I needed
    the pins and extra processing grunt of
    the Mega.

  • Arduino Ethernet shield or clone

    • if I were to do this project again I’d
      probably try to use an ESP8266-based
      board for connectivity, but at the time
      I was more comfortable with the
      Ethernet shield.

  • I^2 C 20 × 4 LCD module. The display
    serves several useful purposes. It
    indicates what mode the Nixie tube
    display is in, greatly simplifies setting
    the future time being monitored, and
    indicates the time the clock has (or
    will) tweet that day. Another reason I
    included it though was as an example
    of a display technology that spelled the
    end for the Nixie. More practical, much
    cheaper, but hardly a thing of beauty.
    Take your pick.

  • Rotary encoder. The Clock shield
    comes with some momentary button
    switches which can be used for setting
    the clock. However, the additional
    functions of the clock would make
    button control alone very cumbersome
    and in any event they are not accessible
    in my enclosure design. The B&K
    actually uses a very nice rotary encoder
    as part of its own control scheme
    which I could have reused. However,
    the B&K’s encoder did not incorporate
    a momentary switch, which meant you
    could not easily select an option dialled
    in using the encoder.

  • Switches. The rotary encoder
    working with the LCD display allows
    many setting and control functions to

be combined in a user-friendly way.
However, for some functions you
just cannot beat the convenience
and satisfaction of flipping a sturdy
toggle switch.

  • Potentiometer. Used to control
    dimming of the backlight on the
    LCD display.

  • IR motion sensor. Some Nixie clock
    implementations use a timer feature to
    turn the tubes off at night or other set
    intervals. This doesn’t seem entirely
    sensible to me – much better to use
    this $5 motion sensor, which works
    incredibly well. The clock also logs the
    last detected motion on its website,
    a feature which I find very useful for
    reasons that need not detain us here.

  • 12 V 1 A power supply. The driver
    board shield is designed to take 12 V
    power from the Arduino Vin pin, so a
    12 V supply is a must.

  • Miscellaneous consumables such
    as jumper wire, crimp connectors,
    grommets, heat shrink tubing, etc.

That might sound like a lot, but with a bit
of careful shopping the whole lot (minus the
enclosure) can be had for not much more
than $150.

All you need to complete this project is a drill
(ideally with a step bit), a soldering iron, a
multimeter, and various hand tools. As with
most projects, if you have more stuff, you
will probably find a use for it. I drew upon
many different resources for the coding side
of things, primarily Google. Other search
engines are available.

Preparing the enclosure
I removed some of the B&K’s electronics
and power supply to give me plenty of room
to work. The hardest part by far (and even
this wasn’t too difficult) was drilling the
six holes for the Nixie tubes in the top of
the case. Two additional, smaller, holes are
also required for the digit-separating neons.
Alignment of all these holes is obviously very
important and this is the one time when not
having the board pre-populated would help. I
considered various ways to get the alignment
right but in the end used the simplest
method. After drawing a line across the case

Stripping back the
front panel revealed
just what I had to
work with

The clock cycles
through different
ways of displaying
the time left
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