(coco) #1

Smarter hot water


Use a Raspberry Pi Zero to guarantee you’ll never run out of hot water again

Smarter hot water

e’ve all been there – halfway
through a relaxing shower
and suddenly the hot water
runs out! If you’re not first
into the bathroom, how do you
know if the water will last?
Using a Raspberry Pi Zero and a series of digital
temperature sensors, this project will show you
exactly how much hot water remains in the tank
using a series of coloured LEDs – as the water runs
out, they will gradually change from red to blue. It
will even upload the data to Google Sheets so you
can check the status remotely.
The same technique could be used to monitor
the temperature of almost anything, such as a
greenhouse, a fridge, or a fish tank.

Best of friends –
when all the LEDs
turn blue there’s
no more hot water,
but with a smart
thermostat you
can reheat it from
wherever you are

Jenny Fletch

Jenny is a historian,
administrator and
organiser who
likes it when life is
made simple.

This project is suitable for domestic hot water
systems that use a vented hot water cylinder,
usually installed in an airing cupboard. It will not
work with an unvented pressurised hot water
system. You can tell if the system is vented as
there will also be cold water tank in the loft.
The hot water cylinder is typically made of
copper, and covered in a thick layer of foam to
insulate it and prevent the water cooling down
too quickly.
Hot water is held in the cylinder and heated either
from the central heating boiler or by an electric
element. When you use hot water in the house, it
is taken out from the top of the cylinder and it is
replaced with cold water flowing into the bottom.


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