(coco) #1

Smarter hot water


The Python script is designed to upload data to
a Google Sheet called ‘Hot Water’. This can be
changed to anything you like, but it is important
that the spreadsheet is pre-existing in Google Drive
and that the correct access permissions have been
granted to allow data to be added.
Creating and granting permissions to the
spreadsheet is best done on a full-size computer,
not the Pi Zero.
Start by going to
Google Drive on the
web and create your
spreadsheet. As said
before, the Python
script expects this to
be called ‘Hot Water’,
but this can be changed
to anything you like, as
long as the code in the
Python script is changed to match.

Now the security access permissions need to be
granted for this spreadsheet:

  • Go to the Google Developers Console
    and create a new project. Call it anything you
    like (e.g. hotwater).

  • From the list of options on the left-hand
    side, select ‘Library’ and then search for the
    Google Drive and Google Sheets APIs. Enable
    them both.

    • Now, from the list of options on the left-hand
      side, select ‘Credentials’.

    • Click the blue ‘Create credentials’ button
      and select ‘Service account key’ from the list
      of options.

    • In the new screen, ‘New service account’ will
      be preselected as the only option.

    • Enter a name in ‘Service account name’ – this
      can be anything you like (e.g. data_upload),
      and choose Project / Owner as the role.

    • An email address will be displayed in the
      window, ending in ‘gserviceaccount.com’ –
      make a note of this email address as you will
      need it later.

    • Selected ‘JSON’ as the key type and then
      click ‘create’.

A file will be downloaded to your PC. Rename
this to client_secret.json and save it somewhere
convenient on your computer. If you open the file
in a text editor, you will see the email address from
earlier embedded within the code.
This file needs to be copied onto the Raspberry
Pi and saved in the same folder as the Python
script, preferably in
a folder called
If you create the
Python file in a
different folder,
the code should be
updated to reflect
the different folder
location. This JSON
file becomes the digital key to unlock the
spreadsheet. When Python attempts to write
data to the Google Sheet, it sends a copy of the
JSON file to the server. Google will confirm that
the Sheet has been shared with the embedded
email address. It’s therefore important not to share
this file with anybody else as it allows access to
your files.
Return to Google Drive and open your blank ‘Hot
Water’ spreadsheet.
In the top-right corner, click ‘Share’ and then
add the email address from earlier. You may get
an ‘address not found’ email from Google a few
minutes later, but this can be safely ignored.

Pins 1, 7, and 9
protruding from the
back of the board

Creating and granting
permissions to the
spreadsheet is best done
on a full-size computer,
not the Pi Zero

A threshold
temperature is
calculated, which
is halfway between
the temp_max and
temp_min. If the
temperature is
above this threshold,
it is counted as 'hot'
when calculating
the percentage of
water remaining.


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