
(Chris Devlin) #1

his reports via satellite from Managua without running the risk of engaging
in a personal meeting.
The COVCOM of choice at the time was the RS804 encrypted satel-
lite radio, a big, bulky piece of communications equipment. The problem
we faced was finding a way to physically deliver this suspicious-looking
equipment to our agent in Managua, undetected. The KGB had gotten its
hands on a set in 1983 when they arrested an officer in Moscow as he used
the equipment in a park, so it was known to our enemies as spy gear. José
could not carry the RS804 into Nicaragua personally, and he could not use
his country’s diplomatic pouch without exposing his role as a spy.
Headquarters was unable to come up with any solutions. José and I
brainstormed extensively until we hit upon an unusual game plan. José
would hold a birthday party and invite everyone from Managua’s small
expat community, including a CIA officer. I cannot reveal the details, but
headquarters would securely deliver the RS804 to the officer in Managua
before the party. After receiving the RS804, our officer would conceal the
equipment inside a large box, wrapped as a gift. (S)he would then bring the
gift to José’s party and hand deliver it to our asset. Even if Sandinista sur-
veillance had our officer (and the party) covered, the gift should not arouse
any suspicions under these circumstances.
The ruse worked beautifully. We successfully delivered this incrimi-
nating but potentially productive spy gear to our valued agent under the
noses of hostile surveillance. José had already been trained on the RS804
during our meetings in Palmera. He began to produce and transmit a
steady stream of valuable intelligence reports, becoming an even more
prolific reporter than before.
Once again, success depended upon thinking “outside the box” (or
inside the box, as it turned out). Creative solutions to unique spy problems
are required almost daily in the world of espionage, but the specifics are
not something that can be anticipated or taught in advance at spy school.

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