
(Chris Devlin) #1

As an interesting aside, while recently watching the 2007 Bosnian War
movie The Hunting Party starring Richard Gere,^5 I was gobsmacked by the
numerous uncanny similarities between the movie and the synopsis of my
novel “Balkan Justice.” The movie was loosely based on a 2000 Esquire
magazine article by Scott Anderson, but it bears more resemblance to my
novel’s synopsis than to the Esquire article. It may be just an amazing coinci-
dence, but there are many striking similarities between my book’s synopsis
and the movie’s unique characters, story lines, and plot twists. Even the
unexpected surprise ending is eerily similar.
Looking back, I realize that my assumption that, after 9/11, there
would be no interest in the hunt for Bosnian War criminals may have been
misguided. In an endnote, I spell out the startling similarities between my
novel and the movie in a dozen side-by-side synopsis/movie comparisons.^6

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