Games_World_of_Puzzles 2019-12-01

(Nora) #1

december 2019 | GAMES WORLD OF PUZZLES 4 7

  1. What does the narrator of “A Visit from

St. Nicholas” do when he sees his
unexpected visitor?

a. gasp
b. cry
c. laugh
d. faint

  1. What bad thing does Billy Bob Thorn-
    ton’s character Willie T. Soke actually
    do in Bad Santa?

a. steal a BMW
b. have sex in a department store
dressing room
c. beat up a skateboarder
d. all of the above

  1. Which actress plays George Bailey’s

wife in the classic movie It’s a Wonder-
ful Life?
a. Donna Reed
b. Myrna Loy
c. Judy Holliday
d. Judy Garland

  1. What is it that punk rock icon Joey

Ramone doesn’t want to do on Christ-
mas night?

a. pass out
b. beat on the brat
c. fight tonight
d. narc on his buddies

  1. What Belgian-born author wrote a few
    Christmas crime stories?

a. Marguerite Yourcenar
b. Georges Simenon
c. Hercule Poirot
d. Henri Michaux

  1. What is generally regarded as the

most popular kid’s toy of the 1983
holiday season?

a. Power Rangers
b. Rubik’s Cube
c. Beanie Babies
d. Cabbage Patch Kids

  1. Where does Auggie Wren of “Auggie
    Wren’s Christmas Story” work?
    a. a cigar shop
    b. a shot-and-a-beer joint
    c. a hardware store
    d. a bookmaker’s

  2. What character did author David
    Sedaris write about playing in the
    Santaland Diaries?

a. Buddy the elf
b. The Elf on the Shelf
c. Crumpet the elf
d. Bernard, the head elf

  1. In the beloved musical White Christ-
    mas, who are the entertainers Bob
    and Phil surprised to learn owns the
    Columbia Inn in Pine Tree, Vermont?
    a. a Mafia don
    b. their former commanding officer
    c. their long-lost songwriting partner
    d. their bookie

  2. Why doesn’t Frank Costanza of Sein-
    feld decorate the Festivus Pole?

a. because he’s cheap
b. because he finds tinsel distracting
c. because it makes it easier to hit
George with it
d. because it looks more disturbing

  1. What well-regarded African-American
    author wrote the play Black Nativity?

a. August Wilson
b. Lorraine Hansberry
c. Alex Haley
d. Langston Hughes
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