
(Rick Simeone) #1

Top Projects


he project was Kasey’s graduation project for her
study at the University of Edinburgh. She started it
with an investigation on E-waste. The project chal-
lenges how most products are made unrepairable by
demonstrating how a toaster can be made repairable.
People should have the right to repair broken products,
rather than having to dispose of them. The DIY aspect of the project
enhances the repair experience because people would feel more
comfortable to repair the toaster if they learned to assemble it first.
The chassis of the toaster is made of several CNC’d stainless steel
plates. A mechanical timer, three heating elements, and a couple of
wires were used to re-create the toasting mechanism.


By Kasey Hou kaseyhou.com

Flatpack toaster

The right to repair
isn’t just about legal
rights – it needs to
be built-in. Kasey’s
design uses no glue
or plastic clips, so
anyone can fix it
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