The most
powerful hobbyist
available at
the moment.
9 / 10
Take a look at the box above for a comparison of
performance with other high-speed microcontrollers.
There’s no doubt that the Teensy 4.0 is, for almost
any case, the fastest microcontroller geared for
hobbyists by a factor of about three to five (depending
on exactly what you’re doing with it). There are a few
applications that can really benefit from this speed-up.
The Teensy range has been a favourite device for
people working with real-time audio, both because
they’ve historically been fast boards, and because
there’s a great set of support libraries written by Paul
Stoffregen (who also sells the Teensy boards). This
includes a drag-and-drop creator and a set of libraries
that help you write Arduino code to both create and
modify audio signals. The Teensy 4.0 is much faster
than the previous version (Teensy 3.6), and has four
times the memory. This means that you can do a
whole lot more. In audio terms, this means you can
do more computationally intensive effects, and more
of them.
The Teensy 4.0 does work with the Teensy Audio
Adaptor Board, but the pins are in slightly different
positions, so you have to connect it with jumper wires
rather than soldering the two boards directly together,
as you could do with the earlier board.
Another area where powerful microcontrollers are
looking promising is running neural networks, such
as using the TensorFlow framework. At the moment,
there’s a lot of work going on with this (we looked at
the SparkFun Edge last issue). On paper, the Teensy
4.0 looks like it would make a good platform for
this, and there is some support for M7 processors,
but as yet, there’s not a straightforward process for
getting all this running. If you’re interested in running
TensorFlow on microcontrollers, it’s certainly worth
keeping an eye out for Teensy 4.0 support.
The Teensy 4.0 is a significant step up on
performance over any other hobbyist microcontroller
board, and available at a great price. If you find
yourself lacking the processing power to do what
you need, then there’s really no competition at the
moment – this is the board you need.
The Teensy breakout
isn’t available for
sale, but you can
create your own
with instructions at
We ran a series of benchmarks on some of the fastest microcontrollers we’ve got, to
compare them to the Teensy 4.0. In each case, the benchmark result is the time taken to
complete a task intensive in that particular area. Lower is better.
Benchmark Teensy 4.0 Teensy 3.6(240MHz)^ (SAMD51 – 200MHz)Adafruit PyPortal^ ESP32
6.00 38.00 40.00 54.00
arithmetic 28.00 79.00 85.00 151.00
30.00 620.00 739.00 614.00
GPIO output 65.00 271.00 451.00 265.00