
(Rick Simeone) #1

Lucy Rogers


ow many UFOs can you
see in your workshop?
Unfinished objects (UFOs)
were taking up too much
of my mental and physical
space, so I made time
this summer to either finish them or
bin them.
There are many reasons I have
unfinished objects – maybe I got stuck,
didn’t have the right tool or part, or
more pressing (paid) work got in the
way. Or, more likely, when things are
tidied away and out
of sight, they lose
their importance.
through the
unmarked brown
cardboard boxes,
I discovered that
some projects still
made me smile. For
example, the one
that hit me with a soapy, metallic,
creamy sort of smell – the smell of brass
polish. It reminds me of my childhood

  • polishing the brass items was my job,
    and I always had to have a shiny Girl
    Guide badge. In the box was an old
    carriage lamp. I’d wanted to make it into
    a table lamp. I’d taken it apart and
    cleaned it – hence the smell. But it still
    needed a new light fitting and switch
    installed, and a stand making for it. The
    wood for the stand was lurking in the
    workshop, hidden under a pile of other
    wood, the new light fitting and cable was

in the box – but I was missing a switch

  • so I ordered one off the internet, and
    then spent a happy few hours putting all
    the bits together – wondering why I had
    ever shelved the project.
    Other projects I wondered why I
    had ever started, such as the
    electroluminescent wire bow-tie. Some
    projects had been superseded by
    technological advancements or by more
    affordable commercial products – like a
    video doorbell. Or my life had changed

  • I no longer own ducks, so the duck egg
    incubator project
    also got cancelled.
    I reclaimed, or
    recycled, all the parts
    and crossed them off
    my mental list.
    Some of my UFOs
    are books that I
    either haven’t started
    or finished reading.
    It’s always a pleasure
    to give myself permission to read a book.
    I binge read, so once I’m in, I’m in for a
    good while. This summer I’ve enjoyed
    Adam Savage’s Every Tool’s a Hammer
    and Emilie Wapnick’s How to Be
    Everything – as well as Ursula K. Le
    Guin’s Earthsea series. I find fiction
    stories, especially science fiction or
    fantasy, always recharge my creativity.
    Now I also have a lovely table lamp,
    more parts in my parts boxes, more shelf
    space in the workshop. And a slightly
    less nagging ‘you should finish that
    before you start a new project’ feeling.


Spring – er, autumn– clean your workshop shelves

Lucy Rogers


Lucy is a maker, an engineer,
and a problem-solver. She is
adept at bringing ideas to life.
She is one of the cheerleaders
for the maker industry, and is
Maker-in-Chief for the Guild
of Makers: guildofmakers.org


Some of my
UFOs are books
that I either
haven’t started or
finished reading
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