
(Rick Simeone) #1


hen you’re done making sock
puppets, follow Corina Yen’s lead
and turn old socks into something
more useful. In her Instructable,
she shows you how to repurpose a
single sock into three useful products. The first is
a wristband with a pocket that she calls the sporty
sock. It is made from the elastic top and half of
the sole portion of the sock. You can use it as an
exercising accessory to secure your keys and other
useful knick-knacks. Follow Corina’s Instructable to
sew the pocket that’s cut from the sole portion to
the tubular top. The heel portion of the sock, which
still has some of the elastic bit from the sock’s
tube, is refashioned as a pull-on coaster or a cup

identifier. She calls it the coasty sock, and it’ll again
need some sewing before it can be used as such.
The leftover bit is put to use as a key chain pouch
that insulates the keys from scratching the phone,
or anything else in your pocket or wallet. Corina has
illustrated the process for crafting all three products,
including the sewing bits that can be done without a
sewing machine, which makes this build accessible
to everyone.




Corina Yen

Project Maker

Project Link

As if snipping one
sock into three
different products
wasn’t enough, Corina
used the leftovers
to create a small
hand puppet

Improviser’s Toolbox: Socks

“ You can use it as an
exercising accessory to
secure your keys “
Free download pdf