you should find that, if you select ‘Extensions’,
svg2shenzen will appear in the drop-down menu.
Hovering over svg2shenzhen in the drop-down
menu should reveal the extension has three
options: ‘Help’, ‘Prepare document’, and ‘Export to
KiCad’. Click the ‘Prepare document’ option. You
should see a dialog box in which you can set the
size of the document. It’s not critical, apart from
it needs to be big enough to contain your desired
design; input a size and then click ‘Apply’. Close
the dialog box.
If you now open the layers window, either by
clicking Layer > Layers or with the CTRL+SHIFT+L
keyboard shortcut, you can see that the Inkscape
document has now been set up with numerous
layers that match some of the physical layers of a
PCB, named as they are
labelled in KiCad.
Let’s begin by drawing
on the ‘Edge Cuts’ layer
- this is the layer into
which we draw the edges
of the PCB. Within KiCad
we are limited to arcs/
circles and straight lines,
whereas in svg2shenzhen we have no limitations to
the geometries we can draw. To draw the outline of
the rocket PCB (Figure 1), we used the Bézier tool
and some common path tools in Inkscape, including
Union and Divide. A rule for edge cuts created with
svg2shenzhen is that they must be a single path that
is completely connected. It’s easy when drawing
perhaps with multiple tools in Inkscape to create
an outline that has a couple of unconnected nodes,
making it incomplete.
Once you have made an outline shape of your
PCB, you might next want to add some details,
shapes, and lines that will appear as exposed copper
when the board is manufactured. For the rocket
PCBs, we wanted to also add some components
Figure 2
Using the Inkscape preferences menu
to locate where to install extensions
and traces to the front copper layer in the standard
KiCad workflow, so we decided to add the more
decorative items to the back copper layer of the
board. Before we add some decoration, let’s looks
at how the mask layers work. Currently, the mask
layers are set to ‘disabled’. To enable them, simply
select the layer and rename the layer by removing
the ‘-disabled’ text. For example, the back mask
layer would change from ‘B.Mask-disabled’ to
‘B.Mask’. This actually (due to the nature of PCB
fabrication) sets the mask layer to not appear where
you draw a black item. In this configuration, you
have to manually draw where you want mask to not
appear. Changing the mask layer name to ‘B.Mask-
invert’ sets this layer so that what you draw is where
you get mask on the PCB, but for the rocket project,
we found the simplest
solution was to change
the mask layer to
B.Mask-auto. In auto
mode, when you
add an object to the
corresponding copper
layer (B.Cu in this
case), it automatically
removes the mask in that area, allowing the object
you have drawn to be seen through the removed
mask as copper.
Having set the B.Mask layer to auto-select the B.Cu
(Back Copper Layer) and draw our items onto this
layer, we add the copper rounded triangular sections
seen on the rocket (Figure 1), and it automatically
adds these shapes onto the mask layer to allow
them to be revealed through the solder mask. This
means that if you want to disable the visibility of
the B.Cu layer in Inkscape (we will do so later when
we want to place an object on the other side of the
PCB), you will need to close both the B.Mask-auto
In this tutorial, we are going to export the design from Inkscape using svg2shenzhen,
and then further manipulate the design using the KiCad regular workflow. However,
svg2shenzhen is also designed to be able to create complete art PCBs in KiCad that
could be sent directly to manufacture. The authors of svg2shenzhen use PCBWay and
even have an option in the export dialog box to open the PCBWay website after export.
PCBWay needs you to upload separate Gerber files from KiCad for manufacture. Later
in this tutorial, we will use OSH Park to order PCBs, as the site directly takes the KiCad
‘PCBnew’ file and doesn’t require Gerber files to be generated. It also has the benefit of
providing in-browser renders of the layers of the board, which is useful for double-
checking your design.
A laptop
with KiCad
and Inkscape
Some familiarity
with basic use
of Inkscape
Whilst on the
GitHub repository,
check out the
images of amazing
designs made in
for inspiration.
Once you have made an
outline shape of your PCB, you
might next want to add some
details, shapes, and lines