Better Homes & Gardens – Holiday Crafts 2019

(Marcin) #1
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HCFinishTips for tips about
fi nishing quilting projects.

HolidayCrafts 2019 103

On the Dot

shown on page 99


Scraps of 1^1 ∕ 2 -inch-thick wood
Scraps of^3 ∕ 4 -inch-thick wood
Circular saw
Medium-grit sandpaper
Acrylic paint: dark green, red, lime
green, silver, white
Drill and drill bits
Wood glue
Hammer and 1^1 ∕ 2 -inch wire brads

Enlarge patterns in Pattern Pack onto
white paper; cut out. Trace trees onto
11 ∕ 2 -inch-thick wood. Trace stars onto

(^3) ∕ 4 -inch-thick wood.
Frosty Flakes
shown on page 98


^1 ∕ 2 yard of lightweight fusible web
^1 ∕ 4 yard of white tone-on-tone fabric
5— 71 ∕ 2 -inch squares of assorted red
prints (appliqué foundations)
^1 ∕ 4 yard of red-and-white diagonal stripe
fabric (binding)
^3 ∕ 8 yard of backing fabric
13×27-inch rectangle of batting
Machine embroidery thread: white

Finished quilt: 61 ∕ 2 ×30^1 ∕ 2 inches
Finished block: 6 inches square

Yardages and cutting instructions are
based on 42 inches of usable fabric width.
Measurements include^1 ∕ 4 -inch seam
allowances. Sew with right sides together
unless otherwise stated.


Trace pattern in Pattern Pack onto white
paper. Lay fusible web, paper side up,
over pattern. Use a pencil to trace pattern
fi ve times, leaving about^1 ∕ 2 inch between
tracings. Cut out fusible web shapes
roughly^1 ∕ 4 inch outside traced lines.
Following manufacturer’s instructions,
press fusible-web shapes onto wrong
side of white tone-on-tone; let cool.
Cut out shapes on drawn lines. Peel off
paper backings.

From red-and-white diagonal stripe,
3— 21 ∕ 2 ×42-inch binding strips
From backing fabric, cut:
12×36-inch rectangle


Referring to Appliqué Placement Diagram,
above right, center and fuse a snowfl ake
appliqué onto a 7^1 ∕ 2 -inch red print square.
Using white thread and a decorative
stitch, machine-stitch around all edges

of snowfl ake. Trim square to 6^1 ∕ 2  inches
square, keeping snowfl ake centered.
Repeat to make fi ve snowfl ake blocks total.


Lay out the snowfl ake blocks in a vertical
row. Sew together blocks to complete quilt
top. Press seams in one direction.

Layer quilt top, batting, and backing.
Quilt as desired. Bind with red-and-white
diagonal stripe binding strips.

Cut out trees using a circular saw. Cut
out stars using a jigsaw. Sand cut edges
with sandpaper. Wipe off sanding dust.
Paint large tree dark green. Paint small
tree red. Paint large star lime green and
small star silver. Let dry.
Drill a hole in the center of each star.
Dab wood glue to top of each tree and
place corresponding star over glued area.
Hammer a wire brad through each hole to
secure stars to trees. Let dry.
Using a sharp pencil and referring to
photo, right, dip pencil tip into white paint
and make dot patterns on each tree and
star. Place a white dot over each brad
nailhead to conceal it. Let dry.


Appliqué Placement Diagram
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