Better Homes & Gardens – Holiday Crafts 2019

(Marcin) #1

58 HolidayCrafts 2019

Tree Delivery

shown on page 53


2—13-inch squares of black wool
(pillow front and back)
Fusible web
15-inch square of red wool
(coat, hat)
3-inch square of desired flesh color
wool (face)
5-inch square of cream wool (beard,
mustache, pom-pom)
5-inch square of taupe wool
(hat trim, cuff, eyes)
^1 ∕ 4 ×6-inch strip of light brown wool
(tree trunk)
3^1 ∕ 2 -inch square of dark brown wool
Scraps of black wool (buttons)
Scraps of assorted green wools
Embroidery floss: black, taupe, ecru,
dark brown, teal, red
Embroidery needle
Water- or air-soluble fabric pen
Cosmetic blush
Sewing thread: black
Polyester fiberfill


Lay fusible web, paper side up, over
patterns in the Pattern Pack. Use a pencil
to trace each pattern, with the exception of
the coat, the number of times indicated on
patterns, leaving^1 ∕ 2 inch between tracings.
Cut out each fusible-web shape roughly

(^1) ∕ 4  inch outside traced lines.
Following manufacturer’s instructions,
press each fusible-web shape onto wrong
side of designated wool; let cool. Cut out
wool shapes on drawn lines. Peel off paper
backings. Trace and cut coat from red wool.



Go to page 111 or for
stitch diagrams. Referring to photo, above
left, align coat with pillow front bottom
and side edges; pin along sides. Using
two strands of black fl oss, blanket-stitch
top of coat to pillow front. Arrange face,
hat, beard, and mustache at top of coat.
When pleased with arrangement, remove
hat, beard, and mustache. Following
manufacturer’s instructions, fuse face in
place. Fuse hat in place. Blanket-stitch
around outside hat edges with black. Fuse
hat trim along inside hat edge, covering the
edge. Whipstitch edges of trim using one
strand of taupe fl oss. Fuse beard to face
and coat. Whipstitch beard edges using
one strand of ecru fl oss. Fuse mustache to
beard. Whipstitch mustache edges using
one strand of ecru. Fuse pom-pom to hat
tip. Whipstitch using two strands of taupe.

Referring to photo and overlapping
pieces, arrange tree trunk, mitten, cuff ,
and tree triangles; fuse pieces in place.
Whipstitch tree trunk using two strands of
dark brown fl oss. Whipstitch tree triangles
using one strand of teal fl oss.
Fuse buttons to coat front. Whipstitch
the buttons using two strands of black
fl oss. Stem-stitch letters on tree using two
strands of red fl oss. Referring to photo, add
straight stitches and French knots below
each tree triangle using two strands of red.
Stitch a red French knot at top of tree.
Fuse eyes to face. Stitch a French knot in
the center of each eye using two strands of
black fl oss. Blanket-stitch mitten using two
strands of black fl oss. Blanket-stitch the
cuff using two strands of dark brown fl oss.
Using a fabric pen, mark arm and nose
outlines. Stem-stitch arm outlines using
two strands of black fl oss. Straight-stitch
nose lines using one strand of black.
Straight-stitch mouth using two
strands of red.
Brush cosmetic blush onto cheeks.


With right sides together and using a

(^1) ∕ 2 -inch seam allowance, sew together
pillow front and back; leave a 7-inch
opening along the bottom edge. Clip the
corners and turn pillow cover right side
out. Stuff with polyester fi berfi ll and hand-
sew the opening closed.

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