Business Spotlight 08.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Fotos: J Svemir, EHStock/

First, the idiomatic way
Jen: It was right to bootstrap the
business as it gave us complete
control. It’s our sweat equity that
built this company.
Brian: That’s true, but now we’re
strapped for cash.

Now, more simply
Jen: It was right to build the busi-
ness using only the little money
we had and our own resources,
as it gave us complete control.
It’s our hard work that built this
Brian: That’s true. But now we
don’t have enough money.

Totally strapped
for cash!

bootstrap (a business)
, (ein Unternehmen)
ohne Fremdkapital mit
möglichst geringen
finanziellen Mitteln

sweat equity US ifml.
, Schweißkapital
(unentgeltlicher Einsatz
von Firmengründern)
strapped for cash:
sb. is ~ ifml.
, jmdm. fehlt das Geld

What did they say again?

English is rich in idiomatic expressions. It’s important to understand
exactly what they mean. Learn some key financial idioms here.

First, the idiomatic way
Brian: We should cut our losses.
Seriously, I’ve run the numbers,
and it’s not good.
Jen: So, we’re not going to be the
next unicorn?
Brian: Not if my back-of-the-
envelope calculation is correct.

Now, more simply
Brian: We should end this bad sit-
uation now before it gets worse.
Seriously, I’ve made some calcu-
lations, and it’s not good.
Jen: So, we’re not going to be the
next company that is worth over
a billion dollars?
Brian: Not if my simple and quick
calculation is correct.

cut one’s losses
, seine Verluste
reduzieren, Schaden
run the numbers
, Berechnungen

, Einhorn (junges
Unternehmen mit
einem Marktwert von
über einer Milliarde
, Überschlagsrechnung
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