LANGUAGE 6/2019 Business Spotlight 49
Exercise 1
–2 C –1; B –1; A
Exercise 2
cruise directorA.
cruise ship/cruiserD.
cabin attendants/stewardsG.
outside cabins/staterooms H.
balcony cabins/stateroomsJ.
ship’s doctorL.
cruise passengersM.
first mateO.
bridge wingP.
lido deckQ.
Other useful vocabulary
bulkhead [(bVlkhed]
, Schott(wand)
bunkbed [(bVNkbed]
, Kajüten-, Stockbett
, Niedergang
cruise ship terminal
[(kru:z SIp )t§:mIn&l]
, Kreuzfahrtterminal
engine room [(endZIn ru:m]
, Maschinenraum
first-aid station
[)f§:st (eId )steIS&n]
, Erste-Hilfe-Station
first seating [)f§:st (si:tIN]
, erste (Restaurant-)Schicht
galley [(gÄli] , Schiffsküche
laundry [(lO:ndri] , Wäscherei
picture window
[(pIktSE )wIndEU]
, Panoramafenster
pollutant emission
[pE(lu:t&nt i)mIS&n]
, Schadstoffausstoß
safety drill [(seIfti drIl]
, Sicherheitsübung
spa area [(spA: )eEriE]
, Wellnessbereich
tender [(tendE]
, Tenderboot
virgin voyage [)v§:dZIn
(vOIIdZ] , Jungfernfahrt
Jobs on board
activity coordinator
[Äk(tIvEti kEU)O:dIneItE]
, Koordinator(in) der
Aktivitäten an Bord
bartender [(bA:)tendE]
, Barkeeper(in)
chef [Sef] , Koch/Köchin
childcare worker
[(tSaI&ldkeE )w§:kE]
, Kinderbetreuer(in)
entertainer [)entE(teInE]
, Entertainer(in)
gift shop worker
[(gIft SQp )w§:kE]
, Souvenirverkäufer(in)
guide [gaId]
, Ausflugsleiter(in)
hairdresser [(heE)dresE]
, Friseur(in)
housekeeper [(haUski:pE]
, Kabinenbetreuer(in)
kitchen assistant
[(kItS&n E)sIstEnt]
, Küchenhilfe
lifeguard [(laIfgA:d]
, Rettungsschwimmer(in)
massage therapist
[(mÄsA:Z )TerEpIst]
, Massagetherapeut(in)
musician [mju(zIS&n]
, Musiker(in)
naval/ship’s engineer
[)neIv&l/)SIps )endZI(nIE]
, Schiffsingenieur(in);
(performing) artist
[(pE)fO:mIN) (A:tIst]
, Künstler(in)
spa manager
[(spA: )mÄnIdZE]
, Leiter(in) des Wellness-
, Kellner(in), Bedienung
anchor [(ÄNkE], drop anchor
[)drQp (ÄNkE]
, ankern, vor Anker gehen
call at a port
[)kO:l Et E (pO:t]
, einen Hafen anlaufen
depart from a port
[di)pA:t frQm E (pO:t]
, aus einem Hafen auslaufen
disembark [)dIsIm(bA:k]
, (sich) ausschiffen
embark [Im(bA:k]
, (sich) einschiffen
pull/weigh anchor
[)pUl/)weI (ÄNkE]
, den Anker lichten
Exercise 1: What is it?
Choose the correct options without looking at the vocabulary list.
A. The person who is in charge of the financial matters on
a cruise ship is called the...
- purser. 2. cruise director.
B. “Stern” refers to a specific part of the ship. This is also called the... - aft. 2. bow.
C. The window of an outside cabin is called a... - funnel. 2. porthole.
“Cruise” vs “Crusade”
A cruise is a journey of pleasure on board a
cruise ship, and those taking part are cruise
passengers. The military expeditions that took
place between the 11th and 13th centuries
were called the Crusades (Kreuzzüge). Their
aim was to retake the Holy Land from the Mus-
lims. Soldiers fighting in a Crusade were called
Crusaders (Kreuzfahrer, -ritter).
What’s what?
port(side) = the left side of the ship when facing
the bow (Backbord)
starboard = the right side of the ship when fac-
ing the bow (Steuerbord)
windward = the direction from which the wind
is blowing (Luv)
leeward = the side sheltered or away from the
wind (Lee)
Exercise 2: All aboard!
Translate the German words in brackets
into English. All the words are listed on p. 48.
What a beautiful day it is! Fiona Miller, the
(A) (Kreuzfahrtdirektorin), is
standing at the (B) (Bug) of The
Ocean Wave. Together with David Brent, the
ship’s (C) (Kapitän), she has just
checked that everything is ready for the ship’s
virgin voyage. The Ocean Wave is a beautiful
(D) (Kreuzfahrtschiff). The huge
(E) (Rumpf) bears pictures of
sea life. At the (F) (Heck), on the
top deck, there is a nice cafeteria.
The (G) (Kabinenstewards) are
waiting to show passengers the way to their
cabins. The (H) (Außenkabinen)
on the lower decks have big (I)
(Bullaugen), whereas on the upper decks, there
are (J) (Balkonkabinen) with spa-
cious balconies. Technicians are still checking
the (K) (Rettungsboote).
The sea is quiet today. However, strong
winds are expected during the night. That
means some extra work for Kate, the
(L) (Schiffsärztin), taking care of
(M) (Kreuzfahrtpassagiere) who
get seasick.
Fiona has a final look up to the navigation
(N) (Brücke). Paul Thompson,
the (O) (Erster Offizier), is stand-
ing on the (P) (Brückennock)
waving down to her.
Later, she will welcome all passengers on
the (Q) (Pooldeck). Indeed, she
likes (R) (Kreuzfahrten) — if
only there weren’t all the environmental con-
cerns, which nobody can ignore any longer...