Business Spotlight 08.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

66 Business Spotlight 6/2019

Fotos: picture-alliance/Reuters/Kham; Gert Krautbauer



“Religious festivals
are part of our global
cultural heritage”

billion [(bIljEn]
, Milliarde(n)
commemorate sth.
, einer Sache gedenken
, Erleuchtung
fasting [(fA:stIN]
, Fasten

, Erbe
, Herstellung, Produktion
observe sth. [Eb(z§:v]
, etw. beachten, einhalten
trade fair [(treId feE]
, Messe

Christians, you’ve probably heard of
Christmas. The festival is part of our
global cultural heritage. The same goes
for Ramadan, the 30-day fasting period
observed by 1.8 billion Muslims around
the world. But what about the more than
one billion Hindus and 25 million Sikhs?
Do they have a special day? Yes, they do.
It’s called Diwali and it will be celebrated
this year on 27 October.
Then there’s Vesak. I must admit I
hadn’t heard of Vesak until this May. On
19 May, The Jakarta Post, which describes
itself as “Indonesia’s leading English-
language daily” newspaper, published a


know it’s a little early to be writing
about Christmas, but it is coming.
Actually, this isn’t a column about
Christmas, and neither is it a column
about Hanukkah, although both are
important events. This is more about
the complexity of a world in which
religion, language and Industry 4.0
Let’s remind ourselves again of what
“Industry 4.0” means. The term originated
in 2011 at the Hanover Trade Fair, where
it was used to describe the automation of
manufacturing. Today, it includes the In-
ternet of Things, cloud computing and ar-
tificial intelligence (AI). And, sometimes,
Industry 4.0 is referred to as the Fourth
Industrial Revolution.
Now, back to religion. Even if you’re
not one of the world’s 2.3 billion

multimedia story called “Vesak 2019: Bud-
dhism moves to adapt to Industry 4.0”.
That’s how I learned that, for the world’s
500 million Buddhists, Vesak is the event
that commemorates the birth, enlighten-
ment and death of Buddha.
According to The Jakarta Post, Buddhists
from across the world gathered at the
Tam Chuc pagoda in Vietnam’s north-
ern Hà Nam Province to celebrate Vesak.

How religion, language and

Industry 4.0 interact

Weltreligionen mit all ihren Traditionen und unsere komplexe, global
vernetzte Welt mit ihrer Digitalisierung und künstlichen Intelligenz – verträgt sich das?
Ja – und das sogar sehr gut, wie Sie hier lesen.


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