
(John Hannent) #1

Submerged State, The (Mettler), 98


for child care, 14 , 16

lack of public understanding of, 98

for middle class, 100

through tax expenditures, 100 , 105

Supreme Court, U.S., on marriage equality, 32– 33

sympathy, norms of, 67

Tablet Pilot, 93

tag-team parenting, 15 , 75– 76

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), 22 , 23 , 98 , 105

Task Force on Production in the Innovation Economy, MIT, 85


on the rich, cuts to, 124

social programs funded by, 13

subsidies through deductions and exemptions in, 100 , 105

in trade policy, 114

taxi drivers vs. Uber drivers in San Francisco, 125


Trump support among, 126

working-class resentment of, 25– 26

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