
(John Hannent) #1

Tea Party

government benefits opposed by, 21

hostility to government in, 101

on importance of jobs, 124

on regulatory capture, 103

sense of loss in, 68– 70

women in, 74

technology, in future of working-class jobs, 93– 94

teenage pregnancy, 40

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 22 , 23 , 98 , 105

tightrope bias, 79

Tilcsik, András, 46

trade policy, 114

traditional values, 18 t. See also family values

gender in, 80

of immigrants, 66

meaning of, 31

role in in working-class resentment of elites, 31– 33

“trailer trash,” 52

Trump, Donald

anger of supporters of, 3 , 6

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