
(John Hannent) #1

More than half the men in Generation X and the Baby Boom said that when they left
HBS, they expected that their careers would take priority over their spouses’ or
partners’.... Notably, this expectation was less prevalent among men of color than
among white men. Forty-eight percent of the former—compared with 39% of white men
—anticipated that their spouses’ careers would be of equal importance. Meanwhile, the
vast majority of women across racial groups and generations anticipated that their

careers would rank equally with those of their partners.^198

Elite men can talk the talk of gender equality because they know in their bones that their
careers will deliver them dignity (male varietal). Economic power, both inside the family
and in the society at large, is their trump card.

I am not saying there is no sexism in the working class. I’m just saying that sexism is a
pervasive problem that crosses class lines. Deflecting blame for sexism onto the working
class may be comforting. Just don’t mistake comfort food for insight.

  1. Is the Working Class Just Sexist?

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